Just don't forget the dog eh Steve
Pete62 is on his way. Just sited him roaring through Brisbane.
A bit like Santa really. Man on a mission he was![]()
Just don't forget the dog eh Steve
Pete62 is on his way. Just sited him roaring through Brisbane.
A bit like Santa really. Man on a mission he was![]()
I intend on living for-ever....so far so good
tick, tock, tick, tock.
counting down to departure. only a few hours to go to lift off....only just managed to get the bulk of the gear into the Scooby-Doo. Only a bit to go...like food, pillows, clothes!!! and some thing else that just keeps niggling at me but not quite sure what it is!!!!!
oh yeah! rods and reels! best not forget them!
Safe travels.
Roo. Team Fully Boar'ed.
Dont forget me babe!! It will be a quite trip other wise.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
I was planning to leave Brissie at about 1.00pm but I've come down with a nasty dose of "the toilet is your friend". Hopefully it will settle down tonight so I can join the festivites tomorrow.
Not to get technical...... but according to Chemistry, ALCOHOL IS A SOLUTION
That sucks Dave!! hope you're feeling well enough to come up tomorrow.
We're off!! Have safe trip those that are still to come!! See you up there!!
The Better 1/2 of Team RRLF![]()
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
oh well looks like i get to talk to myself for a weekend since i may niot make it out there you all have a good time i might get to see yas saturday afternoon maybe
okay 2 hrs to i leave. .... seeya all tomorrow nice and early
5-5:30am ish
Not enough time in the day, to many spots to fish!
Just got back from the Bash, as expected it was fantastic fun, great company, put even more smiling faces to names, had many many laughs, and it was time well spent.
I'm stuffed and have a four year old hanging off my neck so will be a quick rundown for nowI'm sure a few of the many interesting and hilarious events will come to light over the coming days
Some nice Togas were caught, plus some bass, (none of which were caught by me) and best of all our visitors from down south were amongst those that got a few fish so it was great to see their long drive was worth it.
I was lucky enough to have Pete62's company on Friday for a fish, and it was fantastic to see Pete get his first Toga! (good luck at Mondy Pete!)
Today I fished with Darryl (as Team "Bankers Hours"), and despite hitting the ramp a "little" later than most of the bashers, we had a thoroughly succesfull day and achieved our Goal of having a relaxing session on the dam (not being bothered by any pesky fish which would have involved physical exertion and probably would have destroyed the serenity)
Thanks again Scott (and Santa Pete) - Daisy looks a treat, and was very popular with the Bashers (even if a few confused souls thought she was a recycle bin and used her to dispose of their empty cans last night)Only saw your email today and will get that sorted tommorow for you
A few of the boys took some pics of her with some interesting modifications - watch this space!
Last edited by TonyM; 14-03-2009 at 09:37 PM. Reason: dyslexic
Yeah was a great day.... sorry I couldnt stay for sat nigth drinks, will have to have a drink with you all next bash..... unfortunately I had soem dramas back at home. Didn't realise no mobile reception at the dam, so I drove to imbil and then made the call to keep going.
Yes it was great to meet some new ausfishers.... I didnt land any toga's but had 3 onThanks to being unorganised I did a repair job on my old leccy and it let me downa nd made fishign all that harder.
The new one should go on next week.... and eventually we will take it the next boat.
Kim and Rod, sorry I didnt get to say goodbye, was great to see you both again.
Tony, nice boat you got mate, and well suited to your needs. lol the only thing better would been the full boarAnyway, it will sell soon and I can get my offshore rig.
Not enough time in the day, to many spots to fish!
sounds like a good time tony sorry i didint get out there to catch up with you still hanging in with mel for bubu she was feeling a tad down i guess waiting is killing us both but thats ok all will be good soon enough i can guarnteee there is one even i will be at and that is the mondy muster i think i will have a deckie with me too so i will get shirts sussed by then tony let me know when ya get the bigger boat im keen to se her for sure
ok cant wait for more reports for sure
Howdy Simon, my fingers are crossed for you and Mel - the waiting is the worst, especially when the poor bugger has allready served the 9 month sentence through summer (we've got a December and January babies - been there)
I won't keep you in suspense any longer, meet "Black Betty" (or possibly "Bam da Lam" as the Bash Mob suggested - is currently under advisement!)
Another possible name is Spider Bait - but I'm not too into bait nowadays![]()