Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Speaking of wives, looks like mine has organised a whole week with me and the pups down at Tallows Beach south of Byron....starting Saturday 14th at this stage, I am a late scratching.
Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"
Yeh i agree, if you can wack half a dozen fish in a morning in the sticks there you are still doing ok. You hear people claiming to rack up much larger tallies but i am yet to experience a day like this myself. I was surprised not to see them move out into the bassin around mid morning. I have found more of the 40-45's in the sticks but with them only having low 30's fish in the boat i would have thought that the 35-40's that school up in the basin would be an appealing prospect.
No comp for me, Im just goin to try and catch a toga, say gday, and drink p#ss on sat nite!
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
God put me on earth to accomplisha certain number of things,right now i am so far behindi will never die.
Sat morn early for me, maybe Friday arvo late if I earn enough brownie ponts, 'pends how many Mondy trips I do between now and then. Hey Nath, did you have some camping contact details?
Mate I just went to Foxies today and found a little present for didnt have to mate....but I will drink them!!!We will have to have a beer at some stage.....we can throw all the empties straight in the Wheelie bin!!!
Guys.....I have a dilemma with the comp. 2 Awesome things happening on the same bloody weekend
Choice 1: borumba with the crew...great weekend of fun, beer and fishing.
Choice 2: The Angels are playing an open air concert at the Avondale tavern....great country pub about 1 hour from here!!.....our local pub social club is putting on a free bus to/from the concert???
what do I do???? What would YOU do!!!
The angels are not the same ..... the rift took something out them - & besides they need walking sticks these days ... & Doc Neeson doesn't have the same stage presence...... Not the same act ( which often happens when bands reunite ) - my sister saw the Eagles & said they were a waste of space ..... Its gone!!!! Like watching Greg Norman play golf now
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
THE Angels??
No brainer mate
"Am I ever gunna see your face again, no way get...." well you know how it goes.
Dunno Chris, I saw the mentals over at tangalooma a year or two ago, and then Jimmy Barnes did a gig, was one of the best nites Id been to eva, maybe all the free cordials helped, but those boys rocked it.
God put me on earth to accomplisha certain number of things,right now i am so far behindi will never die.