see ya,all round 1 ish....unless i can sneek off earlier...
God put me on earth to accomplisha certain number of things,right now i am so far behindi will never die.
Sorry Chris....forgot I was dealing with bassards that don't know one end of a banana from the other
Go past Ettamogah and the Mooloolaba exit, down the long hill on the Bruce, at the end it sweeps right up the hill, under the bridge, down the hill and sweeps to the left and along the straight at Forest Glen. At the end of that straight, before it sweeps right, is the Chevallum exit, you can see the BP from there. That's where I'll be.
You've gone 500m too far if you see the Nambour exit on your left and the twin Chevallum BP on your right.
When you head past the Caloundra turn-off or the Ettamogah, give me a buzz on the mobile or UHF 21. It's about 10 km north of the Caloundra turn-off.
Ranger 188VX - "Sweet Chariot"
Excellant, UV extreme - sun burnt while I get rained on!
Im sure he is only joking Nath, none of us are that interested, trust me!
Im confused, and Ive only been up that track about one kazillion times!
So its game on hey.
Shite weather, dropping barometer on a full dam, best I throw in an extra can of lite beer just in case the fishings quiet.
Most of my Money is spent on Booze and Fishin.The Rest is just Wasted!
To The Shed.............![]()
I won't get lost cause I will be playing follow the leader.
Car is packed, boat is packed, just need to get it out of the garage tomorrow, hook it up and leaveand then get caught in morning peak hour traffic
but smile and laugh knowing that I will be fishing whilst they are on thier lunch break
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Yeah, ducked into the crab pot on Old Cleveland Road this morn for a few last minute essentials, as you do, and had a chat with one of the boys there along similar lines.
Think I'll be fishing spinner baits pretty hard though.
All reservations gone! 2 bottles of Bundy Red Rum will fix what ails ya(me)!
Is anyone taking yabbie pots? Just wondering if I should toss mine in or not?
All my gear is on the lounge room floor waiting to get tossed in the car and boat in the morning after the fuel and fruit run is done.
All I want is to catch MORE legal fish!
Hows that fire looking Naggles!!
Just got back from the shed. Found the boat after a while (damn harvest season) and started to clean it out a bit. Found a snake skin. From the looks of her, it is one of our carpet snakes and given it was about 3.5m long, I am guessing it is the old girl. Couldn't find the snake so that might liven things up a bit later on when it shows up - should get a better reaction than the goanna last year.
Boat is now packed (hope the motor starts) and hooked up to the ute, electric motor unfrozen, battery charged, fishing gear and camping gear sorted, now just need to get some tucker together and stuff grog into the esky and I am off early in the morn.
Had a bit of a moment when I couldn't find the fly reel, but that is sorted. Been tying a few flies this week, but need the wind the sod off to get the long wand out.
Weather forecast has improved dramatically. so should be all good.
See you all tomorrow and hope you have a safe trip.
Still roasting sat nite nath? did some one have some wood coming up?
Naggles needs a lot of wood.........