Hey Guys,
Headed out Saturday morning to the local Palm Beach with 3 pob, as the conditions were average to Chase dollies out wide. We headed out around 4am with the Bar being Dead flat, and started our long treck to Palm Beach Reef (about a whole 2mins ). Arrived around 4.02am to find that we were the only boat on the reef . Dropped pick and put out the lines and you wouldn't believe it just as we put the 3rd bait in the water every rod takes off, with all 3 of us on at once we were quite excited then I lose Mine, Joey losses his and dads runs round the anchor and just before i could Gaff it the line snapps. So far 0 and 3 it was a terrible start. A few boats start to turn up as the fish are starting to turn on. We dropped the first 4 or 5 maybe before we finally boat our first Spottie for the year. Then they started coming in with every bait and every lure that was put in the water was a fish. We had the small blues that aggresive and excited over the lures they were actually jumping out of the water at my shoulder hight standing in the boat with the lure hanging out of there mouth, we have never seen them act like this in all the years we have chased them. with our bag limit nearly done, we decided to try soft plastics, and soon as we moved them we were getting smashed, It was unreal as nearly every cast was a fish it was an awesome sight watching the blues and spotties doing ariel attacks. Once we had our bag we stayed and still kept C&R ing them on plastics as there was hundreds. Hopefully this is a good sign of what hopefully might actually be a maccy season this year. Water Temp was 23 and Vis was only around 5m.
P.S When i remember to get the camera out of the boat i will post a couple of photo's of the blues on plastics.