This will sound stupid I know but my new boat has come with a VHF GME GX600 and as I've never owned a boat with a radio in it before I wouldn't have a clue which channels to use. Seeing it's there I thought I should get to know them befor I need to know them.
I asume as it goes to ch 16 when you turn it on then that is the emergency Channel.
My Q's are
1/ What are the working channels most rec anglers use to talk to each other around Moreton Bay?
2/ What channels do the trawlers use?
3/ On what channels will I find the Coast Guards that cover the Nth & South M Bay?
4/ Also the antenna is what I think you might call an emerg antenna, s/steel and slides out a little longer than a car antenna, can some one tell me what range this type of antenna would have?