Thats a bloody good fish Simon, congratulations mate, as Lyndon says, it's a fish of a lifetime.
Great report too, thanks for sharing.
Thats a bloody good fish Simon, congratulations mate, as Lyndon says, it's a fish of a lifetime.
Great report too, thanks for sharing.
God put me on earth to accomplisha certain number of things,right now i am so far behindi will never die.
man all i can say is that was a unbeliveable experince getting that fish in panic when i had 2 others out trolling just about spoiled and chasing it with the petrol finally sorting lines and rods out and getting more line back with some short pumps to slow her down then get the elctric going and fighting her properly and then a boat of 2 gentlemen i have never meet coming over to help me land her and take photos of her i couldnt have asked for more these place seem to have a lot of helpfull people and i reckon that is one part of the attraction to barra fishing impoundents has that alot of other systems dont![]()
still smiling
"get up and try for one you never know what you could end up with "
G'day Nipsta,
Congrats on ya P.B.....126 is a THUMPER of a fish.
Nice read,And pics too.Thanks for takin the time.
Cheers. B8.![]()
The underlying spirit of angling,Is that the skill of the angler,Is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish,And that the latter is entitled to an even chance for his life. Regards, Hardb8.Kickin tails and razin scales since 1979.
Love the photo as it does the lady justice!
Good report & great to catch up again ....... longer next time![]()
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!