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New Pb Barra
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Thread: New Pb Barra

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    May 2007

    New Pb Barra

    Hi All this is the full details on my adventure back to lake monduran

    We left Saturday morning on the 8 th of November car loaded early so we could get on the road before all the traffic started rolling finally sorted and we set off smiling like a Cheshire cat and excitement boiling up in side of me cant wait to get there i tell Mel and Kaitlyn is also very excited as she know there is a week of fun ahead .
    But as normally happens you cant go away without a little drama to upset the trip we got to near eumundi when i could smell some sort of fluid i said to Mel it smell like radiator fluid which i then had a look to wards the temp gauger to see it up near the red i pulled over as soon as i could to lift the bonnet and see the radiator cap had come of must not have put it back on when i did the check the day before oh well once we used all of our could water to fill it back up of we set
    arriving at gin gin around 10.45 we stopped at foxies for a chat and a look at all those lovely lures on the wall to see if i might need a few more but i held back as i had planned to come back in during the week if required .
    OK set the tent( with abit of help from whitto cheers for that ) up as nath and family arrived. We finally completed ours and sat back and had a few drinks at this time trev (mylestom )had introduced him self too us we had a good chat about a few different things and then i went back to sorting the boat out when dean and Fred came back in we asked how did they go and unfortunately they had no success but that was OK as another afternoon attack was on the cards for them i decided i had plenty of time to fish so i stayed back at camp and had a few more beverages and dinner. After dinner and a visit from Steve b and foxie we decide to go over and see callop and darryl who im sure where discussing who's port was the best quick chat with them then we decide we where going up to see the people at the masa chrissy function as steve had invited us all as we walked up naggs and barraboss return from a long days fishing and one fish was all they had caaught but still a great affort in tough condtions we all where in the camp kitchen when the storm hit that had been brewwing all day
    well there was enough rain and wind that it flattened some of the unpowered site peoples tent bugger long nite on the coincrete fellows day end.

    ok now the fishing

    I decide to start a earlyish in the morning nath could due to his young fellow been taken by a ambulance to hospital having a serious ashtma attack not very nice for young zariah or mum and dad both where very stressed but fortunatley he got better as the week when on anyhow i decide i was going to look around abit and check a few different spots out to see what the water condtions where like and what bait was around to my dismay the bait was not easy to find i only found a few section which had some but was very scatered i had a casted in severalk spot but nothing not even a tap oh well 3 hours was enough i went back to camp
    that afternoon i took kaitlyn out for a while fished for around 2 hours and she had had enough so i took her back in and then settle into the nights events of dinner and sleep

    Monday i decide i would head down to h early and i did nath was already down there bye the time i had arrived he had cast his arm off he had caught a 58cm and had miss a big horse as well signs where looking good so i cast down there for around 3 hours with no luck so i headed to the north arm of b same there no luck oh well time to cure the worms back to camp that afternoon i was not sure if i was going to go for another crack when one of the fellows at another camp had came back and told me he trolled up a couple i thought that would be a relaxing afternoon i headed out i was on the water round 2 i had done a fair troll in bird bay and decide i would have a look in the main bassin around 3.30 i was trolling on the step bank oppiste the boat ramp and had said to my self that i would go round the corner then pull the pin when my rod whent off well i hit the rod and set the hooks to make sure and the fish didnt like that so started peeling line like nothing she headed straight for the bank i quickly started the outboard as i had only a few wrapps left on the reel i keep reversing the boat after the fish at the same time i had to get my other 2 lines in which i had got one after a bit of reversing when i saw a big boil near the bank . I hit free spoil again to give her a chance to calm but of course she keep running well i finaally got the other line it and cut the outboard i then jump up the front and started to fight her from the front deck and with the electric it took me a while using short pumps to get a fair bit of line back and then i finally got to see her my draw dropped and i just said damm thats a big fish i back off the drag on the whiffled spoil abu and took my time from there on when i new i was close i waved down a boat to see if they had a big net and lucky they did one of the blokes jump over with me and when she finally surrend i got him to net her but it still took both of us the lift her in
    sigh of relief and i didnt know whether to scream or not so i just got my breath ad we then took a few photos of her trying to limit her time out of the water as much as possible finally getting her back in and swimming of heallthy as
    hand shakes all round and i decide to head back in to show photos to all unbelieve fish and man the ibd is settled for a while i think.

    Rest of the trip
    Each day i headed out for around a 3 hour seesion in the morning and 2 hour session in the afternoon with my 2 girls other then a session on wednesday which i hooked a cranky 80 cm speciemen in the stick after 2 jumps and a sticth up under a log and then another too pull the hooks i was pretty content the rest of the time i relaxed and sat back enjoying the serentry of the park and some camp cooking and drinks
    fun had by all
    Last edited by nipsta; 18-11-2008 at 08:52 AM. Reason: added a new picture

  2. #2

    Re: New Pb Barra

    Wel done there mate, what a cracka of a fish, there is certainly some horses in there. How you managed to do all this by yourself with two other rods in the water is beyond me, well done.

    Any news on the length?

    Pitty the family, especially the girls weren't on board to see that one.

  3. #3

    Re: New Pb Barra

    Hey Mate
    Great Read, and great piccys,
    Aren't the Apostle birds a cack, i can watch them for hours
    I was thinking a fish and trip of that magnitude deserves its own read!!!!!!!
    Good luck with the newest inclusion to the family..
    I will be joining you for the snip after number 2, in 2010. Lock it in Eddie

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    May 2007

    Re: New Pb Barra

    [quote=eotbmg;930100]Hey Mate
    Great Read, and great piccys,
    Aren't the Apostle birds a cack, i can watch them for hours
    I was thinking a fish and trip of that magnitude deserves its own read!!!!!!!
    Good luck with the newest inclusion to the family..
    I will be joining you for the snip after number 2, in 2010. Lock it in Eddie
    great stuff trip like that they tame the beast for a while i hope nath isnt getting to much rain up there
    snip count
    tony m

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Pete62's Avatar
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    Re: New Pb Barra

    Onya Nipsta, or should I call u SNIPSTA, when I went in for the chop the old Doc did em on a saturday morning and I was advised to take a bottle of red in for him, the theory was to make him drink 1/2 the bottle of red so his hand was steady when he picked up the knife

    Mate, great read and an awesome fish, could have chucked a saddle on that thing and galloped back to the ramp.

    Cheers, Pete.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member DEANO68's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Re: New Pb Barra

    Good stuff simon, congrats again, as you said hope the weather is ok up there for nath and co..i had my date with the peas years ago, so im out, ( of tads that is ). catch up soon for a jack sesh,..
    God put me on earth to accomplish
    a certain number of things,
    right now i am so far behind
    i will never die.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    May 2007

    Re: New Pb Barra

    Quote Originally Posted by DEANO68 View Post
    Good stuff simon, congrats again, as you said hope the weather is ok up there for nath and co..i had my date with the peas years ago, so im out, ( of tads that is ). catch up soon for a jack sesh,..
    have you spoke to nath dean and do you know if he had any luck yet ?
    and yes i was hoping to fish jacks this week but the rain has taken care of that so ill bludge at home

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member DEANO68's Avatar
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    Re: New Pb Barra

    Quote Originally Posted by nipsta View Post
    have you spoke to nath dean and do you know if he had any luck yet ?
    and yes i was hoping to fish jacks this week but the rain has taken care of that so ill bludge at home

    no word from nath,,, might give him a call later.....
    God put me on earth to accomplish
    a certain number of things,
    right now i am so far behind
    i will never die.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member Whitto's Avatar
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    Aug 2001

    Re: New Pb Barra

    Good report Simon....nice piccies.....I was toying with giving Nath a bell tonight.....I wonder if they got any of the Storm on Sunday.....when I had a look on the BOM page the thing extended from the border to big mother, just like your PB Simon.....what a fish....Ill put something up here if I think to bell him.....Cheers
    Good Mates....Good Food.....Good Fishing....Priceless

  10. #10

    Re: New Pb Barra

    Great read Nipsta and thats a great Barra- looks huge and certainly would of topped off a good trip for you. - cheers RC

  11. #11
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Feb 2002

    Re: New Pb Barra

    Great catch Simon. What size did the big girl go? Awesome effort. Chat to you soon

  12. #12

    Re: New Pb Barra

    Again Simon congratulations on a fish of a lifetime mate.
    Those pics of you guys having the camp oven cookup were killing me last week!!!
    Let alone the pics of the big barra!!!

    It doesn't get any better than that. A really relaxed trip with friends and a big fish as a bonus. A trip to remember for a lifetime mate.

    Cheers Lyndon.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    Re: New Pb Barra

    Quote Originally Posted by Sniper View Post
    Great catch Simon. What size did the big girl go? Awesome effort. Chat to you soon
    she went 1.26m bill and damm nice feeling i gunner start fishing for bass for a while as well as still jacks so i might see ya at borumba

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member nipsta's Avatar
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    Re: New Pb Barra

    Quote Originally Posted by SeekingBarradise View Post
    Again Simon congratulations on a fish of a lifetime mate.
    Those pics of you guys having the camp oven cookup were killing me last week!!!
    Let alone the pics of the big barra!!!

    It doesn't get any better than that. A really relaxed trip with friends and a big fish as a bonus. A trip to remember for a lifetime mate.

    Cheers Lyndon.
    yes it will be remebered for a while i love the camp cooking i forgot to take a piccy of the roast it self i will get one for sure next time

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member themissus's Avatar
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    Re: New Pb Barra

    Awesome fish Nipsta, congrats. It's great when a plan comes together!!
    Cheers Kim.
    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
    'Oh Shit.....she's awake'

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