has any one got a mooring i can rent at a fair price
for my boat below
has any one got a mooring i can rent at a fair price
for my boat below
Hi 39........
You might do better, with that sized boat, looking for a canal home either on an unused ramp trolley of which there are a few around or at a pontoon or jetty that there are even more of. Many have power and water too which is very handy as opposed to a mooring in Southport which could be a little (lot) more tricky and perhaps closer to hens teeth! There are some really good deals on airberths too at present; saw a 3.2 tonne one and a 2.3 tonne one recently, both for $9 k which is a very good price for the 2.3 and a steal for the bigger one.
Why would you want to antifoul the boat any way?
Then again there the option of buying a trailer to sit it on and if you haven't got a 4WD you can always rent one of those a lot easier than a trailer (it would seem)
Good luck either way always bearing mind BOAT; "Bring Out Another Thousand" no matter which way you go.
What could go wrong.......................
39NESP Follow chimo's advice. moorings on the gold coast are NOT transferable & can not be rented or sold. although some do pop up for sale from time to time. i almost got caught 2 years ago as i nearly bought 1 for 7k if i had of the cancel would have just taken it off me. the only way you can buy 1 is to buy the boat it is assigned to.
unless any of this has changed in the past 2 years (which i doubt)
ps: try santuray cove about $4k a year plus antifoul $1.5k pa plus 2 bum cleans from a diver $200 pa = $5.7k,pa. its not a bad deal to store a boat on the water.
Last edited by goldfish; 16-11-2008 at 09:31 AM. Reason: to add
Or two years of that and you have paid for a trailer! Not to mention that with speed limits you're a good hour from the seaway or similar destinations.
What could go wrong.......................
yeah that is tru but you then you don't have launching problems crouded boat ramps ect. lol i have had them on moorings, in mariners & on trailers they all have there ups & downs but hey the trailer wins for price but the mariner wins for usage of the boat. (i would have used my boat 3 times more in the mariner than on the trailer, probally because i would forse mysele to so it wouldn't scum up too quick)
in short they all cost comes back to that B-O-A-T thing someone mentioned. but hey we all still have & love them.
Sorry, the idea of buying the boat assigned to the mooring as a way of getting a mooring is no longer possible.
MSQ have gone back to non transferable moorings. If the boat is sold, the person holding the mooring authority must surrender the authority - unless another boat is purchased within a reasonable period of time.
The authority is then offered to the next person on the waiting list. That person can negotiate with the previous mooring holder to purchase the mooring block, chain, float etc.
If the negotiation fails then the previous holder of the mooring authority must remove the mooring apparatus and the new holder establishes their own apparatus.
Last year it was estimated that the waiting list for the Southport area was so long that it would take ten years to get to the top of the queue and about four years for Jacobs Well.
I thought that the coming recession/depression would cut the numbers but more and more people are taking to living on the water.
From a few reported conversations, Marine Parks are concerned with the increase of live-aboard persons. One conversation was along the lines of, "You people are causing problems with the environment."
I don't know what sort of world is occupied by our public servants - it certainly isn't the real one.
Being an ex public servant I am fully entitled to that opinion - the majority are very weird turkeys.![]()
do you think it would be better if i gave the owner of mooring or jetty 1 day use of boat per month
cheers snapper
39NESP I have my 23 Carribean down at Runaway Bay and I noticed that Limetree Waters Residential complex on the corner of Oxley Drive and Limetree Rd has a sign out advertising berths for rent. Not sure how much but I am led to beleive that places like this are far cheaper than commercial marinas.
Regards, David.
Interesting location.
Two bridges to the Broadwater on the Sthn route and you pass a really good fish and chip shopon the nth side just before the last bridge at Lands End.
What could go wrong.......................
Or you can go the northern route and pull up outside the runaway bay shopping centre at their pontoons, and stock the boat with groceries, drinks and ice for the weekend.
Go for a cruise down the canals and identify the houses with pontoons that are suitable and unused. Then do a letter box drop with a pic of your boat and what you're after targeting the ones you have seen. Should get you an answer from someone. People do it in Newport all the time.
Some people like their pontoons to be empty so they can enjoy the space, but a few extra bucks in the pocket for a boat of that size to sit at one end can change their minds.... I personally wouldn't give anyone use of the boat for a day a month, but the offer of a trip every now and then and a few fillets from time to time would certainly sweeten the deal. Hope this helps.
couple people i know pay the home owner to moor their boats on the unused pontoons in newport, they just drew up a little contract to sign and it was too easy. some people like the extra 2grand a year, way cheaper than a marina
hi all some one sent me a pm yesterday about prices in marina
and on anchor could you get back to me please for i deleted your pn by mistake
cheers snapper
Mate of mine has a house at Runaway bay with a big pontoon and is going to rent it out for $70 a week I think let me know if interested.