No thanks Jim....a small war wont do at all...easy to start but a real bugger to get out of it seems..?. Consumer confidence is what must be restored and confidence in the financial systems and and control of the vultures who circle in them...when people see governments tightening regulations on targetted financial systems and processes (ie...ban shorting on financial stocks etc..) then hopefully we will have a demand led recovery. Dont get hyped...this is not 1929/30..that's crap..there is not comparable mass unemployment but there is much pain for some unfortunate people. With unemployment levels around 5% we must hope most displaced workers will find something else.
I guess it keeps coming up here because boating is such a discretionary spend...and the industry has a significant excess of product choice and low margins..see car industry also. You dont see a 6 billion plan from Govt to support the boating industry over ten years...but you wouldnt..the employment levels are much too small. Better days ahead, and the well managed longer term businesses will hopefully pull through a bit scarred but OK.