Like lippa says in his post, items in pic 3 go with items in pic 1. Jigheads and soft plastics are a great way to catch fish but require a bit of patience to work through the learning curve.
A jighead is basically a hook and a sinker combined into one thing. The soft plastic is an imitation of a creature that is threaded onto the jighead, and when you wind it back in after casting it out, it "comes to life" as the water passing over it makes it wiggle and appear real.
I've taken the pic of the soft plastics and edited it a bit to show what the combination of the soft plastic and the jighead should look like when put together. In your pic it looks like the eye of the hook is sealed up with paint, you'll need to clean that out before tying it on. You can use your normal knot to tie it on.
The different shaped tails are the bits that wiggle and make it appear lifelike. Its important to make sure that the plastic goes on the hook in a straight line without any kinks or twists because then they dont swim properly and wont look natural and lifelike.
To use them cast them out like you would when using bait. Cast them into the same places you would when using bait.
Let them sink to the bottom. Begin to wind in your line slowly, one rotation of the reel handle about every two seconds.
Every three or four rotations of the reel handle, twitch your rod upwards. This will make the jighead and plastic jump up off the bottom. Let it sink back to the bottom and dont move it for a few seconds, then begin winding again.
Keep doing this until either you have wound it all the way back in or until a fish eats it