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What is that and what do I do with it? - Page 2
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Thread: What is that and what do I do with it?

  1. #16

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    Mr Chicken sounds like he is ideally suited to soft plastics,he just likes to cast & retrieve. Sounds perfect ! Mick
    Not all tools are usefull.
    Nappies and politicians should be changed regularly for the same reason..

  2. #17

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    Quote Originally Posted by slyman View Post
    You can use your normal knot to tie it on.

    Hi Pobblebonk,
    Slymans "how to" explanation on using SPs was great, but I would add that a loop knot makes the lure work far better. I personally use a uni knot, which is strong, easy to tie & secure. Just about all lures work much better when attached with a strong loopknot.
    I'd also highly recommend the excellent book by Steve Starling & Kaj Busch called "On soft Plastics". K-mart sell it for about $30 & it's worth every cent in my opinion.
    good luck

  3. #18

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    The perfection loop would also work for tying on jigheads.


  4. #19

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    Lefty's, harro's, rapla.....whatever you want to call it loop is much easier to tie

    make a thumb knot, thread the tag thru the eye, bring the tag back thru the thumb knot, three times arround the standing part and back thru the thumb knot and pull it down.

    I could never figure out an easy way to do perfection loop.


  5. #20

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    A secure knot tied to a jighead will catch a fish regardless of what it is. When I first used jigheads and plastics, I was tying a locked half blood knot and I caught fish, then I used a uni knot, tried out some loop knots, and nowadays I prefer to use a palomar knot.

    Loop knots, yes they will allow your lure or plastic to move more freely, but will they catch you more fish? In the greater scheme of things, probably not. It all boils down to personal preference. But you have to start somewhere and the simplest way to do that is go with what you already know and build on that.

    The ocean is the ultimate solution - Frank Zappa

  6. #21

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    Gee you guys know how to confuse someone:S

  7. #22

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepygreg View Post
    Gee you guys know how to confuse someone:S
    I don't think that it was intended. Simon sums it up perfectly - personal preference. What ever knot you're comfortable/confident tying.

  8. #23

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    Thanks for all your 'knot advice', but the only fishing knot I know is the clinch knot.
    Pobbs > 28. Strictly recreational fisher.
    Mr Chicken > 3 in Janaury! Likes to reel the line in, fish on the end or not.

  9. #24

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    Quote Originally Posted by wags on the water View Post
    I don't think that it was intended. Simon sums it up perfectly - personal preference. What ever knot you're comfortable/confident tying.
    as long as it's a loop knot........

    As stated they allow the lure to move more freely, & greater movement (action) = more lifelike attraction, and that is the essence of fooling fish with any lure.

  10. #25

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    am I detecting a slight tongue in cheek response there Pobbs?

  11. #26
    Ausfish Platinum Member revs57's Avatar
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    Aug 2005

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    G'day PB (Personal Best!)

    Check the link to a few pages here on knots, a picture is worth a thousand words!

    for me, the perfection loop is easiest, quickest and best for tying SP jig jeads to leader - it lets the lure behave more "naturally" in the water

    All the best to Mr Chicken - what a cracker of a kid!!!! You lot crack me up



  12. #27

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepygreg View Post
    am I detecting a slight tongue in cheek response there Pobbs?
    No bud, just stating the facts I really only know that one knot!
    Pobbs > 28. Strictly recreational fisher.
    Mr Chicken > 3 in Janaury! Likes to reel the line in, fish on the end or not.

  13. #28
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mossy247's Avatar
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    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    ohh and don't forget there is always plenty of videos that you can check out on you tube and the like, video bucket etc. I would recommend checking out "Big E" on plastics on you tube.... but yeah grab one of those DVD/soft plastic kits from shimano, they cost 25 bucks you get a handy DVD and some soft plastics...
    all the best

  14. #29
    Ausfish Addict bluefin59's Avatar
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    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    If you go to the top of the board there is a hints and tips section that has animated knot tying section ,the perfection loop knot is there . Get a bit of leader and practice in front of the computer ,it will be too easy after you have done it a couple of times......matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

  15. #30

    Re: What is that and what do I do with it?

    Sorry Pobs, it was just my warped sense of humour coming into play. I was told many years ago that you only needed to know two or three knots to successfully go fishing. Improved clinch, albright, and spider hitch (cairns quickie). First one ties line to any hook/swivel/ring, second ties different lines together, and third creates a double for extra strength when chasing fish bigger than line class. When you get into the intricacies of lure fishing the various loop knots come into play. I was trying to keep things simple for someone who is learning our sport. Especially when teaching a youngen who really is only interested in the excitement of a fish on the end of his line.


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