G'day All,

Just a quickie on epirbs, are all brands pretty much of a much?
Or is there one brand out there that does the job a lil better than others?

Just curious as like most of us at the moment I am looking into what brand to
purchace. The Pane Wesexx (spelling) is a 5+5 Battery at the moment, and the GME is a 6yr Battery. But in my travels I have heard about arc I think it is.

In my minds eye it comes down to a lil bit of personal preference a lil like VHF's.
Alot of guys run a GME unit others Navman or ICOM. I have Icoms due that I am yet to see or hear of one faulting.

Is it the opion of the more knowledged than I that Epirbs are in the same boat as

Cheers Aj