Hi All,
I am moving along with my second ever rod build as the first was so much fun and once again need some assistance and input.
I have managed to pick up another cheap blank (need more practise before spending real money), it's a 4-6kg 6 foot long baitcaster this time. I have the reel seat and grips glued in place (so much easier second time) but the main question this time is on guides.
When the guides are taped in place, reel fitted and line fed through, how much load should be placed on the rod to make sure the line won't touch the blank if loaded up with a fish? I ask because when I put a lot of load on the rod the guides twist to the side as the masking tape is only so strong.
Am I loading the rod too much?
Also when finding the spine I have been shown to lay the blank on a bench, lift the tip with 1 finger and put pressure down on the mid section with other hand and where the wants to twist to is the effective spine.
When I try the Doc Ski method (thanks to Finga for the lend of DVD) of putting the tip in a bearing support and letting the butt hang off rollers I get a different spine to the first method.
Any comments would be great.