Hi all,
heading to Hinchinbrook this weekend to fish Saturday from about 7.00am till 5.00pm. Launching from Dungeness. Just wondering where to target fish so I have a good chance of picking something up - I've fished the Seymour for barra before with pretty poor results (again only short trips, had most trouble getting onto bait and I'm a novice lure fisherman). Any help on fish to target, locations & bait selection would be welcome. My initial plan was to fish the mouths of the Herbert & Seymour for trevally, grunter, flathead during the runout tide (high is at 5.50am 2.31m low is 11.32am 1.22m) and maybe troll Deluge or Palumah (or the creeks on the mainland side of the channel opposite) through the low tide period for Jacks and Fingermark.
I have a 4.55m tinny with a 40hp.