Hi Bill,
Thanks for the reply. I can't get away till friday arvo now. Should be there around 1700. Glad to cover off the photo side of things for the weekend.
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the reply. I can't get away till friday arvo now. Should be there around 1700. Glad to cover off the photo side of things for the weekend.
Fly rods were made to bend!
Hey Vaughn,
Could you organise the weather guys so its a beautiful weekend with light winds??
Only joking. So far everything is out of control, I mean UNDER control. Will give you a call if there is anything I need you to do. I'll be picking the scales up from Redcliffe during the week.
If I don't talk to you before Friday, I'll see you up there.
Oh, do you know about the sausage sizzle on Saturday night and Sunday lunch time at the presentation? Just need to know numbers thats all.
Hey Jeff,
Don't forget to stir up the Goldy boys on Tuesday night. Chris still thinks he's a shoe in to win again this year. Be nice for someone to prove him wrong.
Just got off the phone to Dennis a little while ago. Both himself and Jeremy are looking forward to the weekend. Should be great, just as long as these storms stay away.
Thanks again in advance for doing the photo's. I'd do them myself but I'd say I won't have much time as it is now.
Federation of Fly Fishers
International Certified Casting Instructor
Sunshine Coast Fly Fishers
Didn't see you at Borumba on Saturday. Unless you where in stealth mode.
I didn't do much fishing, just cruising around sounding the place out. Should be a good surface bite in early in the morning.
Theres heaps of schools of bait fish around. Even saw a few schools busting up on the surface like tuna.
See you on Friday
Nah Bill Didn't make it had a ring side table at the Muay Thai with free p*ss so I was a little hung over. It will be good to beat you knowing you have practiced so much![]()
Federation of Fly Fishers
International Certified Casting Instructor
Sunshine Coast Fly Fishers
Hi bill, sausage sizzle x3 thanks, looking forward to this one sounds like theres a bit of competition up there, hoping not to much fresh water in dam. see ya all there COOLA![]()
Ok everyone,
Been getting a few questions, some of the answers are covered in the rules.
I will try and clarify some things that some aren't sure of.
1 It is a FLY FISHING only comp. No you can't use spin or baitcasting tackle until you find fish. Thats why its a BASS ON FLY comp. No baitfishing is allowed either. And no trolling!
2. Nominations will be taken up till Friday night at the breifing. No late nominations will be taken on the saturday morning, unless prior arrangment has been made with comp officials.
3. The PreFish Ban is now in place. It started at dusk on Sunday and goes till the start of the comp on saturday morning. This prefish ban applies to the lake only, not the creek downstream of the dam wall. Also not that there is an exclusion zone below the dam wall as well.
4. This is not in the rules, however competitors are allowed to social fish in the afternoon between the saturday session and sunday session. However, it is advisable not to fish for Bass as any fish caught outside of the comp will more than likely not be caught in the next session. Also, there is a good chance that this will result in shutting schools down as well.
5. On the morning of the comp, please do not launch your boat until it has been inspectied by an official and a key tag has been given to you. Once you have your keytag, launch your boat and move away from the ramp with your vessel. Due to the high water level, please keep the limited landing areas near the ramp clear for others to launch and retrieve their boats. Just float around in the basin between the red and green marker bouys and the dam wall until everyone is on the water then we will get underway. The sooner everyone is on the water, the sooner we can get everyone underway.
If there are any other qusetions, please ask. It should be a great social weekend and we need everyones cooperation to make it run smoothly.
Also, just a reminder about the sausage sizzle. Its still on for the Saturday night and Sunday lunch at the presentation.
Well, the 2008 Bass on Fly Tournament is over for another year. With only 3 legal Bass caught all weekend, it was certainly tough. Especially with those galeforce winds yesterday.
The final results for the Tournament are as follows.
Saturday session. 2 bass caught
Chris (flyfisho) 0.448kg
Darren Bracks 0.446kg
(both fishing from Chris's boat)
One boat landed 5 Toga also.
Sunday session. 1 bass caught
Chris (flyfisho) 0.546kg
Chris taking the comp out with 2 fish and a total bag weight of 0.994kg
Big Bass goes to Chris as well with a weight of 0.546kg
Champion angler goes to Chris as well.
Must say thank you to all that turned up to the event on the weekend. Without you, the comp would not have been what it was. Great to see 3 female competitors there and 1 junior out of the 24 competitors.
Would also like to thank Stuart and Gavin and everyone else who was involved in organising this event. I can tell you there was a lot of hard work that went into it, with the regulation changes that we had to put up with.
And a special thanks to those competitors that travelled long distances to compete.
There was one from Melbourne, even one from Argentina, though he's here studying. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to get an Australian Bass to clock up his species list.
And also a thanks to the Gold Coast boys and the guys from Brisbane. Hopefully this will keep the inter club rivalry going for Jeremy's next comp.
Also, the Borumba Deer Park for allowing us to host the event there. And for putting on a sausage sizzle on the Saturday night and sunday at the Presentation.
But last but not least, Jeff from the Gold Coast club, for doing the role of official photograher. Thanks again Jeff.
Thanks to all again. Hopefully next year will be even bigger and better, as long as the fish and the weather gods cooperate.
Bill you deserve the credit here mate a job well done in organising a fine comp by any standards.
I had a ball , I think it has the makings of an excellent tradition.
Well Done mate !!!
Federation of Fly Fishers
International Certified Casting Instructor
Sunshine Coast Fly Fishers
Thanks Chris, but I don't deserve all the credit, as it is a team effort.
And it was your your conception too remember.
You and Dazz did really well to get those fish. From what I hear no one landed any legal Bass for the weekend, even on conventional gear or bait.
I landed one 37cm bass on popper saturday arvo, and 3 small togas.
As I mentioned on the other forum I had great time till the weather turned sour,
You and the others who organised the comp did a great job thanks.
Hi all,
Top marks to the lads from the sunny coast for hosting a cracker event. The weekend was enjoyable, the fishing sure made everyone earn their keep and the weather added another twist on the Sunday.
Chris weaved his magic but once again, well done mate.
Ezzy pulled a yellow bass and with a PB on the toga I looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. As soon as I get a date for next year I will be putting it in my 09 calender.
Fly rods were made to bend!