spun this bloke up from the rocks and went 6kg. Just wondering what sort of mackerel it is. Small spanish? largish schoolie?
thanks guys
spun this bloke up from the rocks and went 6kg. Just wondering what sort of mackerel it is. Small spanish? largish schoolie?
thanks guys
Broad-barred Spanish mackerel me thinks, nice fish from the stones mate well done mate.
broad barred for sure. Did it fight allright? I have always found them to be quite lame. A schoolie of the same size would pull one backwards in my experience.
yeah snapperbasher. The thing came in like a bit of weed, no fight at all apart from a couple meter run near the rocks. Which is probably why the shark swimming between me and the fish didnt even notice it haha
Yeah up North they are called Shark Mackos or Grey Macks.
Very nice eating though!
" Fishing is not a hobby, a Hobby is something I do in my spare time! "
I thought it looks a bit like a sharkie, but you can't see the lateral line clearly in the photos. It's a dead giveaway because it divides in the shark mackerel but is single in all other mackerels. I've only caught one sharkie and it was the worst tasting mackerel I've ever caught!
Cheers Freeeedom
is it the same fish?
The pic on the left looks like a schoolie, the one on the right looks like a sharky mackeral .. so I don't know! haha
Sharky by the looks they school up under the boat sometimes here in CQ they attack swivels and anything shiney hence use the black swivs.Good catch from the barnicles.Cheers
pics are of the same fish haha
When it had been dead for a while you could clearly see broad stipes on it, so i think it is a broadbar/grey mackerel
It didnt have 2 lateral lines as the sharkies do
yeah, I agree with everyone else, a grey mack. Luckily for you the DPI weren't around, they would've said it was a spanish and if it was undersize slapped you with a dirty fine because of their ineptitude. Especially since, as you said, the broad bars came out after death.
Very nice eating though.
Yeah Richos,
definitely a grey.
They can be pretty pissweak in the fight department, good work on spinning him up from the stones.
I agree with Scotty, top tucker.
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yeah i wouldn't have killed it if it wasn't over the Spanish size limit
thanks for you help guys
you would know a sharky if ya had one.. the stench is dead giveaway
amonia any1?
haha yeah i have heard those things are a bit on the nose