I was reading the Sunday Mail last week and noticed a small editorial by Ian Grant in "Mooring Lines' that did little for the reputation of recreational anglers. The editorial went as follows.
Recreational anglers have a responsibility to protect the environment and the fishery. Bait bags, tangled fishing line, drink cans, food tins and beer stubbies were left to litter an ocean beach campsite on Noosa North Shore this month. Remember this simple rule: all you should leave behind are footprints in the sand.
Now, if it was rec anglers then I would be the first to condemn them. I believe the accusaations as written were squarely pointed at us. I believe this to be a muted point as we all have the same responsibility and thought it to be a slight piece of sensational reporting on his behalf.
I have sent him an email outlining where I thought his editorial fell short and how it does not do any good to point the finger and any one stakeholder group in our fishery.
I have spoken to Lucky_Phill about this and he also agreed that I follow through with the email. I am waiting for a reply and hopefully from there I can wrangle a public apology to all of us recreational anglers that do abide by the rules and look after our environment. Hopefully this apology will come through the same editorial as it was originally written. I will keep you posted.
I suggest that if any of you fellow Ausfish members comes across any bad press or images that are used to incorrectly tarnish our public image that you do the same.
Also send it to Phill to add to all the other material he and many others have gained towards our fight for a better outcome in this latest round of closures and zonings and a better voice in parliamentary circles.
Now I suggest that your letters/emails be clear, concise and non threatening verbally. It is not a public bunfight we want but to at the least sway the thoughts of some of these people. Who knows????? They may even give that public apology and even better switch sides.
ps if you would like a copy of the email I sent to Mr Grant then please pm me.