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Thread: Mission Point is good too

  1. #1

    Mission Point is good too

    Headed around Mission Point vacinity to get out of the wind this morning. Got up there around 9ish and onto some normal bream of around 27cm straight away - no real size. Got a few of them - threw a few back and then proceeded up to Hussey Crk. Never fished there before - have no idea what I was doing but gave it a go of around 15min - not a bite. Anyway, got out of there and headed back south to my normal ol' spot I've recently found to get some keeper bream before I head home - again, both my kids pick them up and I got 'ZERO' . 9 nice bream in total we got anyway. Headed home at 1pm into a horrible southerly with a run out tide - very choppy ride home indeed - at least the morning was great up the passage anyway. Had the fisheries inspectors at the spinaker ramp - looked at my catch and wrote it down for research they reckon. All good of course - they reckon I had the most fish from what they had seen all morning

    I was at the product night last night at spinakker and picked up a brochure for a bream fishing competition "Catch the Million Dollar Bream" - up in Bundaberg starting Fri 17th April 2009 for 2 days. HHHmmm - I wonder if I should give it a go ...

    Anyway, cheers folks,


  2. #2

    Re: Mission Point is good too

    i had the same thoughts coming home this arvo mate,,,,, ie,,, throw the tinny in for a few hours and see whats floating about,,,,, hit the bridge and changed the mind fairly quickly,,,,white cap city

    interesting to hear that fisheries are still about,,, they were making themselves evident on my last rdo,,, and i've noticed their rig in spinnaker car park a few times this week,,,,'spose with chrissy just around the corner and most if not all accomadation booked already its going to be a fairly busy time again

    good to hear the spot x is still living up to its name

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. #3

    Re: Mission Point is good too

    G'day Fishbait,
    I put in at Donnybrook this arvo, and only spent a couple of hours out before calling it quits. Very lumpy coming back indeed!

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