Had to do wheel bearings on sunday, smart, replaced the entire hub on the disk brake front set and had the cones inserted from the place I bought them from.
Lazy hub, had aready got a shop to remove and insert cones on one of the two hubs and had just recently done the bearings in it so all was good.
Last wheel, have to remove the cones, After 1 hour smashing the crap out of the cones with my pin punch set, decide have had enough of this will duck down the road and buy a lazy with the cones already in it.
Well apparantly in capalaba there has been a rush on hubs, ford bearing, HT thread pattern. mmm... well will have to wait..
Get home, talking to my mate about what a bitch these cones are to get out, remember the old cold chisel . Whip out the cold chisel, in about another hour after smashing the crap out of them, finally get both cones out..
Now all I got to do is fit another set and all is good, Welll smack the crap out of the new ones with the cold chisel to insert them, finally after an hour get them both seated properly. Takes me no more than ten minutes to reasemble the wheel, all is good..
There has to be a better way to get these mongrel things out / in to the hub, what am I missing in this picture..
Yes I know that you can buy a new hub with the cones in them for $30 bucks...