Hi all had a great time last evening throwing a surface lure around the snags on the brissie river above twin bridges after several near misses the first bass came from a snag right beside the yak a fish of 25cm in four feet of water, another dozen or so casts later saw a bass of around 26cm in the net

stoked i thought that was that until twenty minutes later sitting on the main pool above the bridges waiting to be picked up i decided to cast at a big log i knew was just under the water on the far bank two casts later smack! 37cm of prime river bass tore off with the little billabong bug i was useing and proceded to give me one of the best tussels i have had in a fair while what a way to finnish a sunday.

Cheers Bosco
ps i have pics but for the life of me so far can not get on them from my kodak software to this site i would apreciate any help in getting them on here (dumb bugger when it comes to puters)