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Ladies of Ausfish...
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Thread: Ladies of Ausfish...

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member Benno1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Ladies of Ausfish...

    Just a thought put forward by another one of the many upstanding blokes here on Ausfish... *coughcoughSleepyGregcough* ...a thread that the wives/girlfriends of members and also lady members can drop in...say a few piccies...its not about keeping the boys out...just bringing more ladies in...some may feel a bit intimidated by all the blokes in here...Ausfish is a great mob of ppl...helpful...knowledgable and most of all friendly...another place to keep informed about all the fishing opportunities out there (Redcliffe Billfish Tournament) next year for example...all that being said...what do you think other members (male or female) and of course Steve...*ahem*...Mr Ausfish

    Mrs Benno1

  2. #2

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    (sheepishly skulks into the thread) Go get em Mrs Benno. I think this would be a very beneficial forum. There are many gals out there that love their fishing. I skippered my boat for a number of years so my sis could fish in our club tournaments....won a couple of AOY trophies as well. Now my ten year old niece is following in her footsteps.....very competent on snaring some nice flathead with hardbodies. Will be weaning her onto the pelagics in the bay over the next year or two, then we will be venturing into the deep blue. ALL the people in my extended family love their fishing.....guys and gals....all are members of ANSA. Every club I have been a member of has actively promoted Junior and Ladies fishing (one of the reasons I joined them). I see Ausfish as a 'club'. I would like to see us adopt that mindset as well.


  3. #3

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    BTW..I think this thread should be in 'General'

  4. #4

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    Not this one....GENERAL FISHING one reads the general internet chat and help board.....sheesh....starting to look like an Indian Umpire.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    I reckon that they should have a 'Ladies Only' section that can only be accessed by password. Just so they can go & chat amongst themselves as well as join in the general chat. A perfect example was a thread here a short while back with one of the ladies looking for crew to fish a comp. In their own section it would have been seen by those interested instead of being gobbled up by all the other posts in the same thread.
    The only reason to password it would be to keep all the extra 'help' from the male members & choking the thread, they could post on the rest of the board as usual for general info..

  6. #6

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    I assume that was directed at me DR.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member DR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepygreg View Post
    I assume that was directed at me DR.

    actually, no, it was a generalization. I did not even consider anyone in particular. it's just that on other boards i frequent the ladies are more likely to participate if they have a section to chat among themselves & throw their 2 bobs worth in the main sections as well..

    Don't worry, if it was directed at you , you would be in no doubt

  8. #8
    Ausfish Premium Member webby's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    Here's a few ladies that like to be in the lime light ???

  9. #9

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    a ladies place to chat, would be well worth the effort i think. gives them the chance to be a part of ausfish without the marcho bullshit.
    steve, i think they do have a place here, i hope you can think about it
    cheers mate sid

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Benno1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    189 veiws and only 8 replies...COME ON...PIPE UP!!!

    Mrs Benno1

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member ffejsmada's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    The ladies have got the recipe section, what more do they want?

    They want equal rights, as it is now, they've got equal rights.

    Give them their own little chat section and it becomes disriminatory against us fellas!
    We can't win.

    (please take this post as tounge in cheek)

    I've just gone and put my hard hat on!!!! Batten down the hatches!!!!!

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member Benno1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    lol you beat me to it Jeff...i was going to make reference to the recipe section...but wanted to keep it serious...but just for a second ...awwww come on you dont think a few extra ladies and their oppinions/comments would add too the fun around here??? need for the hard hat...i wear big girls pants...

    Mrs Benno1

  13. #13

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    or it could become a hard hat cocktail party, for all to join in

  14. #14

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    Well, Im happy to just contribute/read the forum as it is.

    Sorry, but I dont think I need a 'ladies only' section to feel welcome/safe here.

    Recently had a trip up to Moreton with great response & help from Ausfish members & I'd like to think that I can help others with my 25yrs odd fishing practice out in my neck of the woods.

    Maybe some of the girls just need to toughen up and not be so thin skinned about some of the rubbish that gets thrown around on this forum. There is certainly of lot of unneccesary carrying on, but I choose to just ignore (or laugh) at some of the crap people try on here.

    Sorry if I offend any other ladies out there, just my personal opinion.


  15. #15

    Re: Ladies of Ausfish...

    Well put Cindy

    There are a lot of ladies on here that join in as anglers, as we all do. Doesn't matter if you are male or female, we are all anglers.

    There are also a lot of ladies that don't declare themselves as female, just members with a membername like everyone else.

    Steve Brown

    Do Not Feed The Trolls

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