Thye simplest way to work it out is to get out your brochure from the box and check the line capacity and to look up the diameter of THAT line.
Length times Diameter gives you a spool capacity figure ( I just made that term up to make it simple??)
The spool capacity figure(scf!) is a constant for that reel.
If you use a line of double the diameter you will fit exactly half the orinally nominated lenth length xdiameter = scf And so on
Now for the backing:
( Length x diameter of backing )+(length x Diameter of mainline) =scf still!
So:1. look at diameter of braid
2. Multiply by braid length (call this "x")
3. subtract x from scf (that you worked out earlier) Call this answer "y"
4. Y divided by backing diameter = backing length!!
Try this , it really works and is easier on the hands But maybe harder on the brain. A calculator really helps .
If you get stuck pm me the diameters and lenghts and I will try to help
Oh and remember to keep the units the same ie mm and inches etc.
This link may be useful;
Have fun.
Ps I just re read the original article and see the author uses the term total capacity factor so I guess I have cheated somewhat with the scf business - sorry