All the fishing shows on bris 31 repeat at some other time during the week.
tuesday night are the new episodes ( except for the current re-runs of river to reef)
recieved emails stating possible venue and date,,,, but no confirmation of same,,,,,,, not whinging but i have to organise schedules if i can attend,,, the earlier the better?????????
can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Waiting on venue confirmation. We are not dragging our feet, be assured of that - it's just some wheels turn slow...
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Why is this such a secret affair, with invites only by emails ??? or have i got it wrong.
When it should be a open meeting, for all to attend if possible, without the emails back and forth.
I dont think its a secret affair, the email thing is simply a list of interested people. I guess it could be an open meeting but the problem then is finding a venue big enough to accomodate all people. Suggestions are more than welcome though.
I might be able to weasel the hall at VRM Brisbane (shorncliffe) if required, but its a long way to travel for the southsiders.
Simply because this most definitely does not need to be a public meeting.
The complications involved in running a public meeting are both expensive (venue size , public liability, croud controll) and not helpfull ( people who are not on the same page, those who just come to winge, those who specificly come to disrupt).
If it is an open meeting, uninvited politicians and people from other groups with other agendas are quite free to attend, and you realy have great difficulty getting them to leave once they are there.
More important it is not wise to run a public meeting untill you have something specific to say and all polocy details and the group platform settled.
Do you think you would get into a conservation group or political party meeting uninvited?.
It is very difficult on a couple of points to do things in other ways than what we have done.
We have asked on this thread for people's details so that they can be involved. We have not and will never close off that route to becoming involved. This is not a selective group, but it is necessary to at least have some detail on those who are coming.
In the interests of going forward quickly, we have selected a venue which suits the amount of interest we have garnered. If more people want to come on board, please send details, we have a venue which should handle quite a few extras.
The meeting is not designed to be a forum for discussion, though there may be room for some of that the end - our time is limited due to venue constraints. It is very much about sharing some information, then getting the protest and other actions organised, so that we can keep moving forward in an organised fashion.
Ausfish is an excellent pathway for comment, without tying down a large group of people, which obviously is what would occur in an open meeting.
Please, if you want to be involved, send to me or Lucky_Phill
Real Name:
Mobile #:
Home #:
private email:
Roughly what you can do to help:
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Sit on your collective arses and what ?
Freaking fire up !
Sit behind your keyboard for what ?
Actions speak louder than words !
I don't give a flying fig who you are or your status , I will be having my say !
Save our bay from the EPA !
Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 10-11-2008 at 05:44 AM.
i have passed on my apologies to phill basically straight after i received his email regarding the upcoming meeting
my work commitments,, leave me with limited time to travel to the venue in time to be in attendance
in spite of that ,,, i emailed phill approx 2 minutes ago with a heads up that the work truck was given a once over today with what i can only call "" anti ""
the flyer read,,, within cause
you call yourself a fisherperson
you kill and will remain a killer
the protection of the moreton bay, and its environs are/have been placed to protect us
the future for everyone
just not those who rape it now
mmmmmm,,, the person who was involved ""could be a ""visitor"" to our site or just decided to pick on the ausfish banner plastered across the truck??
my response if you are a sightseer is simple
plaster the truck again,,,, your dealing one on one
if you are a vigilante,,,, then please explain a query that was on,,, and,,,, in prime time TV tonite
i quote,,,,,,,,,,,,, OVER 100 MILLION TONNES OF SHARK ARE CAUGHT ,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,PER YEAR,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,
THE CURRENT PRICE FOR SHARK FIN IS 200 POUNDS (sorry dont have a pond symbol on my putor) '''''''''''''''''''''''PER KILO.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
thanks to DR,,, i say rec fisho in the realm of a real rec fisho
i ,,, personally have tagged or released more fish than what i've kept,,,, this doesn't mean that we all have
far from it,,,,,
but to put your 3 cent anti protest flyer on my truck??????
can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Wow, sounds like a radical whacko! Where can we find a few of them to be on our side?
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Ahh yeh there are quite a few.... problay vegitarians...... the lack of protein messes with their brain.
They cant cope with the fact that something has to die to feed us.......I (and I am certain chopper) am happy to take responsibilty for catching and killing my own food from time to time....... If more people did so I think thre would be less waste and industrial cruelty.
Someone needs to point out to these " vegitarians" that their lifestyle is totaly dependent on large scale intensive agriculture..... how many acres of forest were cleared to make their lifetime supply of toufo...... and are thet prepared to take responsibility for clearing that land and killing the wildlife that lives there.
In addition many of the vegitarian staples are grown in third world countries under very poor labour conditions for the agricultrual workers.
Fish line caught in person is possibly one of the lowest enviromental impact protein sources there is........
I don't know if any of you have had social contact with any conciencious vegitarians They have some "very interesting views". Don't bother arguing with them..... unless you have time to spare and you enjoy that sort of thing.......
Anyway cheers
Choppa's post ... WOW
Looks like if you're an Ausfish member you may be target.
I guess when you look at it, they must be worried about the inevitable change in the environmental pendulum swing.
Maybe they should open their mouths and look at themselves in the mirror. Why do we have canine teeth? Morons!
Watch Out ... we're coming and that pendulum will swing back!!!!!!!!!
I swear, if one of those idiots gets started on me, I am going to " get angry "
Might slam the car door and make a loud noise a few times for good measure.
Then I'll take it home all sympathetic, and rearrange the inside of their letterbox
Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 16-11-2008 at 07:14 PM.
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.