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Thread: Group Formation to start the fight

  1. #106

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    The franklin river thing was arround the point where the green movement in this country reached critical mass.

    There were a lot of conservative and moderate people taking radical action on that protest.... I know someone who went.... and there are plenty of stickers and plackards from that campaign still kicking arround...... there were quite a few pulled out of wardrobes for the mary river protests.

    The franklin river this is the great green victory in this country..... but it was far from the beginning.

    Pin head.....You want to protest..... great... if that is how you best experss yourself in this issue good......... start on your plackards this weekend.......A tip.... if you are going to put a stick on your banner use cardboard tube not wood....... the coppers take a dim view of tomato stakes on banners.
    The best source of cardboard is refrigerator cartons... it stronger than most boxes and comes in big peices...

    The hard bit is slogans.....
    and the more complicated the issue the harder the slogan.......


  2. #107

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Just think, that if any "G" party (government and greens) had any logical brain cell located anywhere in their body, they would realise that they are doing EVERY thing the wrong way.
    How much TAX PAYERS MONEY are they wasting to do all this?
    How much interferance and pollution are they contributing to the environment for the testing and research for their so called studies?
    The greenhouse gas emissions produced to run all their hi-tech gizmo's!!
    All the paper, inks, computers, printers, cars, boats, everything they use is made from non reuseable materials, jeeez they even use the wrong kind of light bulbs in their own houses and offices, have fancy business cards, bla bla bla.
    They have already blown a couple billion dollars and ruined the life of our future generations just to try and stop people from doing something NATURAL...Fishing!!!
    With ALL of the money and resources they have wasted over the many years this crap has been going on, all they had to do was create a few or even many artificial reefs, declare some of them as "no go" zones for ALL, the fishies will have several safe havens to hang out in and get lucky a few times, and before you know it (in a lot less time than the greencrappers will admit) the stocks are all healthy again.

    It's not rocket science....we save money and give the fish other options of places to reproduce in large numbers, we get rewarded for our efforts with what they offer us, fresh of our daily 5 requirements for a healthy diet!! OR we can let the government continue on it's merry way and run the country the way the others do....into the ground!

    Sustainability isn't closing productive areas, it is creating more productive areas.
    We build bigger cities to help us, why don't we build bigger or more reefs to help our fish?

  3. #108

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy View Post
    all constructive input is welcome, no probs at all.

    Mike, conside this. The EPA has given approval for something like 60 million tonnes of sand to be dredged from Moreton Bay for construction of the new runway and other construction activities. It would be naive in the extreeme to think that this sand will not come from green zones, as sand is fluid and moves around the bay. If they want to ban only extractive activities, where do they stand on this?

    I agree we do not want to look like sooks or vengeful. I think we need to be concerned with the future of the bay as much as anyone else is. Green zones, placed in the wrong areas - which many of them are - are just pretty packaging to sell the Blight governments green credentials for preferences. Conservation measures need to be done properly and take account of all threats to marine life and biodiversity.

    There is anecdotal evidence that divers disrupt GNS habitats and force them to move away to escape the intrusion. Would be interesting to know if there is any scientific data on this. Then again, the data on the GNS counts came from divers so can't expect too much there

    Yeh I know & agree, but how would that negate a possible public perception of us as a disorganised bunch of vengeful sooks who have already given up if we say we don't want 16% of the bay to be green zones but if they are then no body should be permitted to enter them. Item 5 on your list.

  4. #109

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by Madaddy View Post

    Sustainability isn't closing productive areas, it is creating more productive areas.
    We build bigger cities to help us, why don't we build bigger or more reefs to help our fish?

    Great words of wisdom....... I think this will make it into the SOBA website and into letters, emails and phone calls.....

    Cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  5. #110

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    I dont like the idea of point 5 mainly because I need to travel through green zones, and I still intend on using them for stuff other than fishing.

    I give nundah creek as an example. The sea scouts use this area for canoeing, they head up the creek, pull up on a bank and have lunch before heading back. As a bonus they also tend to clean up the area of ths shit left from dickheads or light fires and chuck bottles in it. I used to canoe up nundah creek as a kid as well, and I would really like it if my kids could do the same. The area is also used by many others for the same reason.

    Furthermore, the green zone only extends up nundah creek to the gateway motorway. I would like to be able to get up past the green zone to fish.

  6. #111
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by Madaddy View Post
    Just think, that if any "G" party (government and greens) had any logical brain cell located anywhere in their body, they would realise that they are doing EVERY thing the wrong way.
    How much TAX PAYERS MONEY are they wasting to do all this?
    How much interferance and pollution are they contributing to the environment for the testing and research for their so called studies?
    The greenhouse gas emissions produced to run all their hi-tech gizmo's!!
    All the paper, inks, computers, printers, cars, boats, everything they use is made from non reuseable materials, jeeez they even use the wrong kind of light bulbs in their own houses and offices, have fancy business cards, bla bla bla.
    They have already blown a couple billion dollars and ruined the life of our future generations just to try and stop people from doing something NATURAL...Fishing!!!
    With ALL of the money and resources they have wasted over the many years this crap has been going on, all they had to do was create a few or even many artificial reefs, declare some of them as "no go" zones for ALL, the fishies will have several safe havens to hang out in and get lucky a few times, and before you know it (in a lot less time than the greencrappers will admit) the stocks are all healthy again.

    It's not rocket science....we save money and give the fish other options of places to reproduce in large numbers, we get rewarded for our efforts with what they offer us, fresh of our daily 5 requirements for a healthy diet!! OR we can let the government continue on it's merry way and run the country the way the others do....into the ground!

    Sustainability isn't closing productive areas, it is creating more productive areas.
    We build bigger cities to help us, why don't we build bigger or more reefs to help our fish?
    Unfortunately it's not about the money (as it is yours and mine anyway) but being in POWER at all costs, hence anything for Green preferences. So I'd like to add another point ... that I'd like to see any protest not aligned to any Party but with the MAJOR Party that gives us what we want (not unlike the Greens).

  7. #112
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Hi castlemaine, Well that immediatley rules out Labor.....they are definetly not giving us what we want!

  8. #113
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by lampuki View Post
    Hi castlemaine, Well that immediatley rules out Labor.....they are definetly not giving us what we want!
    I agree but the LNP may turn on us on another occasion, for the Green preferences. I know some of us may be Liberal or Labour voters because we always have been, but there is very little difference in policies in the two. So preference will be given to whoever can deliver the goods for me. I guess what I'm saying is put bias voting preferences aside for the good of you and your future generations lifestyle.

  9. #114

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    This is an excellent thread started by Tim, and the support and feedback is impressive and this thread will most likely keep going for sum time.

    At the first meeting which was at very short notice there were five (thanks Jeremy for holding it at your place) at the next meeting I hope there will be more. I am assuming Tim you have an idea of numbers ??

    Before this meeting however I think we need to have summarised what it is we want. From that we develop a plan of how that might be best achieved. Jeremy your five points are a worthy start (much better than I could ever come up with) but I am not sure about number 5.

    Anyway what I am trying to say it “I enjoy fishing and being out on the water and I wait my children and there children to be able to enjoy it as well, so lets really think about this and come up with a way to make Anna the EPA and the DPI accountable for the rubbish there putting out.
    Maturity is not when we start speaking BIG things,it is when we start understanding small things

  10. #115

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Yep absolutely true Castlemaine but it has to be remembered also that if we can swing the LNP on board and they actually do win the next election it could be said that it was done off our backs. They haven't been in power in Qld for so long that maybe just maybe that for at least a couple of terms the loyalty could favour us. Wishful thinking??? Not too sure......
    On the other hand, if labor get back in then who knows how far the current round of changes and unknown plots/schemes that have been devised for the future in the parliamentary backrooms of parliament will go. It really is scary stuff.

    On another note I was reading Ian Grant's Boating section in Sunday Mail and noticed his message about "Recreational anglers having a responsibility to protect our environment and the fishery".....This is written in such a way that readers will once again see us as the BAD BOYS of our community. As if we are the only ones responsible.....This type of singular attitude really gets up my nose!!!!!!!


  11. #116

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    There is a growing list of members that want to be involved in different forms and tasks.

    I have just about got this list sorted and will be adding it an email group address.

    This way we all can get the correct and up to date info at the same time.

    So far over 50 names are on it.....

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  12. #117

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    with over 120 responses,,,,, and over 3600 views of this post

    please dont think that your support in this is minor

    i'm not making any comment for YOUR decision to count,,,, just making an observation,,,,,,,,, the more votes/support makes a HUGE difference in the race

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  13. #118

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by choppa View Post
    with over 120 responses,,,,, and over 3600 views of this post

    please dont think that your support in this is minor

    i'm not making any comment for YOUR decision to count,,,, just making an observation,,,,,,,,, the more votes/support makes a HUGE difference in the race

    Yup, spot on choppa. Dont forget it does not stop here, take it to all the other forums and clubs you are part of. Drum up the support in all corners.

  14. #119

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    I think we have to realise that this goes further than supporting one party or another. or bringing down one group, measure or process.

    We have to realy address fundamentals...... we need to be placing convincing arguments at the feet of all parties concerned..

    So for example if someone says that artificial reefs are bad and we have a strong argument othewise... we need to address that point..... to all parties and put a stop to that particular BS.

    We also have to put our own house in order and address BS and bad attitudes in our own ranks.

    Our arguments need to be properly reasearched and well expressed...... otherwise it will be recognised as nothing more than "piss and vinegar".


  15. #120
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Watta ... yeh mate, LNP should be sucking up to fishos but if the stonch Labour voters amongst us vote for them on the principle of no more than that they are Labour voters then it may be a split in the ranks that is rarely seen in the 'Green' fraternity. Can't we just close ranks to preserve not only our lifestyles but also fish stocks for the future based on good science.
    Lucky Phill ... 50 is great. I hope more come on board. Come On Aussie, Come On.
    Choppa ... I wonder how many of the 3600 are from Anna Bligh's office or Green groups.

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