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Thread: Group Formation to start the fight

  1. #61

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    I'm In
    what about my idea to use the computer/printing/ delivery capacity of this forum.
    Put up a flyer for every interested ausfisher to print say 50 copies and deliver them at your locality.
    Even if it is simply an invitation to protest, if we all put out 50, thats more than a million flyers . If we get only 1% take up, thats a pretty good crowd.

  2. #62

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Perhaps liaising with "Ecofishers" in NSW will provide some strategies/tactics that they have had success with??

  3. #63

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    A meeting was held on Friday 24th of October to begin organising a protest rally, expected to take place on 12 November. It was quickly realised that in order to organise a meaningful action, more time and more information is required. For reasons which will be elaborated below, we have decided to postpone the action, in order to get the timing right, and to maximise impact.

    The meeting was small – Jeremy, Lucky_Phill, CatFishKid, Tropicrows, and TimiBoy. It was held at Jeremy’s house, and Jeremy has generously offered this venue for subsequent meetings. This was not unexpected, as the amount of notice supplied was very short. There are many who have expressed interest in subsequent meetings, and who are very much interested in fighting this battle. They will certainly have their opportunity.

    While many people are bursting with ideas, we have chosen to pursue three points in the protest, so that our message won’t be garbled. They are;

    - Our Lifestyle is being threatened; while Anna Bligh is trying to combat obesity, and asking the public for ideas, she is taking away a massive lifestyle opportunity, and forcing kids back behind their playstations.
    - Closures will have a massive effect on Small Business and Tourism; closures threaten many small and medium Businesses, threatening income and jobs for thousands of people.
    - The EPA are no longer doing their job properly; decisions are being made on the basis of shoddy science, and they are totally abrogating responsibility in many cases – They are ignoring waterways management, for example. “It’s the Council’s job...”

    Given that we believe the decisions have already been made regarding the Rocky Reef Fin Fishery Review, it was decided that there is nothing we can influence by marching on 12 November that we cannot affect by marching later, when better organised. To that end there will be another meeting held on th 14th of November, where plans will be crystallised.

    By that time the LNP’s Fishing Policy should have been released, which will help us to focus the target of our Protest. It is due within three weeks. It was decided that we should wait until we know when the election will be held before we march, so that we can march at such a time as to maximise our impact.

    The March will be held on a Saturday. While this will mean it will not be directed at Parliament, numbers should be greatly enhanced, which will maximise Press Coverage; in other words, Parliament will hear anyway, and many more Private Citizens will be made aware.

    We will be contacting all Fishing and Boating Clubs to stir their memberships and get them involved. This process has commenced, and all those who have expressed interest in involvement will receive a pm in the next few days to ask for your assistance.

    A contact list will soon be provided for Ausfish Members. This will include all State and Federal MP’s who are relevant. Please write, phone, and generally harass them with your comments over the next few weeks. Every contact they receive rings the bells – the one they hear from signifies many more who are not ringing.

    We will also be working with other areas in SEQ, with a view to gaining support from Local Governments and people from Bundaberg, Mackay, GC, SC and so on. We hope that a large contingent will be able to attend from these areas, as the RRFF and subsequent reviews will affect them as heavily.

    Discussions are also being held with other groups of likeminded people. We are not interested in reinventing the wheel; we do not want to duplicate effort, we need to get the few together who can drive this forward long term, so that it does not fizzle.

    A key tool in this process is the SOBA website Please visit and familiarise yourselves with the site. Chris Ryan will be bringing it up to date and keeping it that way.


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  4. #64

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Hi all.

    I missed the meeting last night as i only got the invite after the meeting was finished......sorry to all. Its very kind of Jeremy to continual offer his place for the meetings....if for whatever reason Jermey's house is unavailable, I am more than willing to offer my place as a venue - no kids, beer will be offered, but its a fair bit out of the way.....

    Some thoughts on the above....

    I completly understand the need for the main points to be generic......will the sob website be able to expand on our main points ??? So that it details the reasons??whilst the number of fishos who are willing to activley take the government on may be small, the number of fishos in qld are large....if the protest get some decent media coverage, and the website was clearly displayed, and contained a clear, easy to understand explanation of our three main point, more people may join our cause...

    Any chance we could get a traffic counter on the website?

    Speck to you all soon.

  5. #65

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by lampuki View Post

    Any chance we could get a traffic counter on the website?

    Yup, that was raised last night, and will hopefully be on there soon.

    We'll be in touch with you soon!


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  6. #66

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    on the lifestyle angle,
    could we get interest from, shooters, spearfishers, 4wders and horse people?
    these are other minority groups that the gov seems to wanna shut out.
    also the fine people people that organise the "take a kid fishing" day, may be able to have some positive ideas.
    just some thoughts.

    keep up the good work gentlemen

  7. #67

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    My Apologies for not being there last night but Phill passed on my apologies (I hope). I will get the refresh for the site underway and published soon. I was planning on expanding the main points from above plus what our definition of fishing is and compare that to the Governments version being used based on the GBRMPA.

    I can whack a counter on the front page easy enough.

    If you guys have any suggestions for the changes in the look and feel, shoot an email through to for me.


  8. #68

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Hi Chris.

    Im a software developer........I dont specialise in web sites....but the stuff you are doing is pretty simple...

    If you need a hand with anything, let me know.

  9. #69

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    With all the above offers of assistance etc, maybe you folk can pm me or Tim with your email address and other contact details so we can add you to our database and keep you all in the loop.

    cheers Phill
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  10. #70

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    certainly lot of ideas being tossed around...perhaps a meeting where everyone could possibly throw their ideas out to the floor.

  11. #71

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    PH, you are right about that. I've had roughly 40 pm's, and ideas are coming in at a hell of a rate.

    Firstly, thankyou to everyone who is putting their hands up! I have not been able to respond to everyone; if I have not responded to you, it doesn't mean you're being ignored, it's just that there are only so many hours in a day to allow for this and running a Business. And God I'd love to go fishing, too!

    We are having a meeting on 14 November (think I said that already) and there will be plenty more said here between now and then.

    As far as the Protest is concerned, we will have to be very focussed, to ensure we get a solid message through. Once that has taken place, and a longer term organisation is shifting into place, obviously we will begin dealing with broader issues, and targetted ideas.

    Keep 'em coming!


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  12. #72

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Hmmm where do I start?

    It is a real shame to read that some are on the 'Green' side! I honestly thought that ALL fisho's would stick together and stand up for what has become a battle of the food on our plates.

    For those who sit back and laugh at the actions that we protest our rights for, I will give you one right back. The world was a happy productive place. Then some dude rolled some weed and smoked it, he fell in love with that plant, felt sorry for it, and decided to protest the government to save all weeds. But he continued to burn his own weed. Contradicting everything he is fighting for.

    Surely if ONE GREENY can persuay the government, the number of fishermen/women can and will outweigh them.

    The GREEN Government pushes us to buy Australian and keep the $$ in Australia. Well is that a problem developing? If we BAN fishing in the productive areas, they are BANNING the Australian market!! We will all suffer! From the smallest retailer to the biggest, and that means the little tackle shops, bait gatherers, takeaways, markets, mechanics, electricians, boat builders, charter operators, upholsterers, resturants, developers, engineers, brokers, bankers, etc etc will all be out of a job. The only way they would be able to live is to go and hunt or catch their food...OH HANG ON...they can't because the greeny said so.
    If we can't buy or catch a quality Australian product, we are left to buy some poisonous imported product that we don't know what the hell it is but we will eat it anyway cos one greeny told us to. That means more fuel and power used to transport more crap around the world and the greenies use even more fuel in their fight to protect the food chain from being employed.

    They were given an inch and now they think they can rule the world!!

    It IS time to fight back, and NOW is the time to do it!!

    More to come, stay tuned...

  13. #73

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Instead of a formal protest we can always just happen to be all on the water at the same time? With a couple big rocks or besser blocks on each boat, and a unknown GPS mark we could travel in convoy to any of our favourite destinations via the waypoint. The rock will be an anchor that once dropped in the water you realise that we are just dum fishermen and forgot to tie a rope to the rock, thankfully as we are smart fishermen, we will have a steel anchor already attatched to a rope that we can use as a spare. Sure glad that rock anchor was a natural substance and will form a new reef for fish to move to from all around the world.
    I 98% of the world....could keep going on with the things you all have or would say about the F..laws in the world....

    Let's protest...oops I mean let's all go fishing, let's do it and pollute the waters and kill all the fish, and give them something to think about!

    Either that or just stop fishing alltogether, including the pro's, and see how the pollies feel with no revenue over christmas!!

    I will take a few deep breaths in a minute and calm down, thanks to the greens for killing humans....

  14. #74

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Agree with most of what has been said above. PM sent Phill with contact details.

    I for one am sick and tired of telling people and fellow fisho's that aren't on AF what is really happening. Most people think this is a good thing until I give them the good oil. A few hundred/thousand clogging up the city etc etc will do NOTHING for our cause if the general public don't know what we are fighting for and whats behind it -it will just anoy people. The polliest already know what we are pissed off about and THEY DON"T CARE. They obviously don't see us as a threat at present and we aren't- the votes prove that!

    The way i see it the only way to do this is an ad campaign. The groups priority should be funding for morning and afternoon work drive time radio ads as a start. B105-NOVA-MMM in prime time will cover a shite load of people!

    Then when the protests come not only will the masses be able to simpathise with us, our numbers at the rallies should swell immensely.

    Just my thoughts.


    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  15. #75

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Hi Chris.

    I agree with your thoughts....we need a large number of the public to support the protest, and that facts are, a lot of people fish, they are just not aware of what is happening!

    Ashley doesnt shut up about fishin on the nova might be a good avenue?

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