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Thread: Group Formation to start the fight

  1. #46

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Gday tim,You know what I think and I will certainly work to marshall support where ever and however i can.
    Will talk to you soon

    Cheers Craig.

  2. #47

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    I'm in.
    Sorry if I offend anyone, but I've had a gutfull of these retards in parliment and want to help out any way I can.
    To put it simply, they will not listen to a nice peaceful rally or letters that skirt around the issue so as not offend. We need to get in their face so they KNOW how their hair brained decisions affect the individual.
    Just like those tree hugging hippies we poke shit at, we need to get up to the same caper so we get ourselves heard.
    Gold Coast

  3. #48
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by Atriplex View Post
    Unless you can prove that the closures will not benefit people that are not involved in the fishing industry, you will at the very best be ignored.

    The problem is of course, except for the other fisherman who have lost a fishing spot or the retailer who might have lost a client, no one else will care.

    Why is the "Green Agenda" so effective? Because the environment effects everyone, we all rely on it to live.

    A few fisherman making a whiny little protest about the loss of their favourite fishing spot won't work.

    Here's hoping you don't slip up and make fools of yourselves and fellow fishermen.
    Apart from Atriplex's previous threads and transparency, this link says it all,

  4. #49
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    I'm in. Hopefully we can all get together on this one.

    Its been said a million times "It will never happen here" .

    Well it has and its time for us to get off our backsides and do something about it as a unified group.

    Remember there is an election coming up!!!!

    PM sent

  5. #50
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Feb 2007

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    I think Jackinthebox has a VERY good idea.
    Timmiboy I'm in and a pm is on the way.

  6. #51

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    I'm in Timiboy

    Went to the rally thorugh the city and on the water, I aint going to fold at all. As Mulder once said "The truth is out there !" (X-Files)

    It is imperitave that everyone makes there voice heard !

    The EPA and Captain Bligh government will be exposed for the frauds they are :grin:

  7. #52
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Dec 2007

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    tim im in. im on the road from sunny coast to toowoomba every day so i dont mind being a pick up boy if needed anywhere in brisy. i think jackin has the start of a great attack, because defence has been tried so its time to attack. BUT we must start improving the rec fishos image by total catch and release comps.
    We must learn from the greenys, they pull on heart strings and only fight the popular fights. i know we got no choice but we got to try. maybe a petition we can print, if every ausfish member can get 100 signatures thats got to get a few together. and you might look at meetings at sunny coast or fliers that can be put on car windscreens at local boat ramps because their are a lot of fishos out there that wont even know what is going to happen. supa

  8. #53

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Meeting at some sports field central Brissie maybe? I'm in.

  9. #54

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    well,,,, were do i start,,

    tim,,, 100% behind the drive

    and to all (including tim),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, think

    we have had a mixed bag of responses,,, some of which puzzle me,,, and believe me i'm not anti social,,, just "" thinking out of the square""

    first came from lippa,,(no offence mate),,, but whats SOB???? ,,,,,,,,, no idea,, until explained,,, how many others are or were unaware?

    phill then responded on what HE has done in regards to HE'S belief in our waterways should be like,,,(again no offence)

    mod 5 then came around and made this a sticky,,,,,,, (to me,,, he's for it )

    george came on board,,, gave his commitment,,, ( pls change your pic,,,)

    i've been known to talk on this board in cryptic,,, but will you please understand this response,,,,


    I own and operate camp 78 (camp quality kids),,, to achieve that level,,, i fought for 3 years,,,, and yet not 1 of those kids know me,,,(now thats cryptic)

    the message is not ,,,,,,,,, we have to not only burn the bridge,,, but build a new one,,,,,

    making people aware,,,,,,,,,,, mmmmmmm check your local court cases,,,, theres a start,,,,

    how much does the EPA,,,,,DPF,,, etc etc keep away from public,,, thats easy


    i've seen so many posts/replies on this forum regarding issiues,,,,m&gs ,, etc etc that the participants dont attend,,,

    please if your in this,,, be prepared,,,, its not a once only,,,

    its similar to a 10kg red,,,, outta the bay,,,, (nice catch),, it can be done

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  10. #55
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Oct 2007

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  11. #56

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    The SOB site is badly in need of an overhaul. I will get to that very soon.

  12. #57
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Just some extra info for you guys fighting the good fight...
    When the discussions were put up at Mission Beach for the Green Zone Planning. The local Fisho's and Charter guys banded together to fight for an equal share (yes both parties put away differences because its tooooo big an issue and the Greens etc are banking on fishos not being able to band together due to ideology and political motives). The Guys up at Mission Beach got nearly everything they were after in relation to the enactments of the Green Zones.

    Remember at the end of the day the Government can and will do what they see as the best solution (be it good or bad). The thing that you as Fisho's down there need to look at is, what will/can possibly be the best outcome for the area and you collectively as a fishing body.

    Give Dean Grieve at The Tinnie Shack in Mission Beach a call or email and he might be able to assist you in giving you a contact from the group that was involved in the process up there. Having a look at what they did and how they went about it might help you guys out.

    Ph: 07 4088 6125 or email

    Anyway I hope you guys are able to be effective. Having had no option but to live with the green zones, I have personally seen an increase albeit small, in the number of fish species coming back. The thing is the Greens want it all closed and at the end of the day, the Government will make the decision, if there are no constructive alternate options available. This is a critical time for you guys, you must get it right or your input will be discounted by them.

    Good luck and fight the good fight guys
    Fillet and Release Squad

  13. #58
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    I agree that something must be done to slow the green agenda but several things need to be amended in the original intent. If this is going to be effective then the idea of "apoliticism" needs to be checked at the door. This is a political fight that we are getting involved with and to succeed we must have everyone willing to follow the example set by the minor parties, the Democrats and the greens in particular.

    You must ask yourself some questions before you stand up to be counted, as the fisherman is by nature conservative. I don’t mean this in the political sense but in the habitual.

    · Are you prepared to concede your voting preferences to that demanded by the movement and guarantee it? This means not voting Labor, Liberal or Communist because that is what you have always done, but voting exactly as required.
    · Are you prepared to be involved, whether it is passing out pamphlets at the local shopping centre or taking part in rallies etc?
    · Are you prepared to contribute financially to the running of this organisation, either or both by donations or subscriptions?

    These contributions are what makes the greens a powerful force in Australian politics. They don’t use wishy washy concepts like right and for the good of everybody. They have narrow political objectives, and they take votes to the table, not rhetoric and discussions with politicians that are easily forgotten.

    If you are prepared to go down this line and are intent on winning on the agenda of your choosing then you must be able to deliver the only two things that counts for a politician, VOTES or the money to by VOTES!

  14. #59

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    NO offense taken choppa....!

    We all have our views and these are usually based on personal experience and or knowledge. Knowledge can be gained in many ways and one is reading every bit of information out there in regard to a specific issue, this way you get a good understanding of the real issue.

    What I want and what Joe Fisho wants are two different things, but there is a common want..... " sustainable fishing ". Sorry if it sounds like a political phrase, but that is the bottom line.

    What affects me does not affect Joe, and what does not affect Joe, does affect George and it goes on. The reality of the current issues on the table is that we ALL will be affected in some way. Some will lose business's, some will lose jobs, others will lose fishing spots, others will giveup their pastime, kids will lose having a day on the bay, the bay will lose it's protectors and minders, the importers will be happy and the pollies will collect super...... ........... I will never lose sleep over the amount of effort, time and money I spend to defend my lifestyle choices. A Government that dictates to a true Australian will find themselves cheering from the sidelines.

    The people that are elected to protect and serve us, must do that. It is not a hard job to listen to the voice of reason, the voice of the majority, the voice of the holders of knowledge..... but it is a hard task to be re-elected without the support of a well oiled propaganda machine.

    See you all tonight..................

    Cheers Phill

    ps. as stated, when you arrive, leave the political alignments and egos at the door.
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

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  15. #60
    Ausfish Platinum Member lippa's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Group Formation to start the fight

    Quote Originally Posted by choppa View Post
    well,,,, were do i start,,

    tim,,, 100% behind the drive

    and to all (including tim),,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, think

    we have had a mixed bag of responses,,, some of which puzzle me,,, and believe me i'm not anti social,,, just "" thinking out of the square""

    first came from lippa,,(no offence mate),,, but whats SOB???? ,,,,,,,,, no idea,, until explained,,, how many others are or were unaware?

    phill then responded on what HE has done in regards to HE'S belief in our waterways should be like,,,(again no offence)

    mod 5 then came around and made this a sticky,,,,,,, (to me,,, he's for it )

    george came on board,,, gave his commitment,,, ( pls change your pic,,,)

    i've been known to talk on this board in cryptic,,, but will you please understand this response,,,,


    I own and operate camp 78 (camp quality kids),,, to achieve that level,,, i fought for 3 years,,,, and yet not 1 of those kids know me,,,(now thats cryptic)

    the message is not ,,,,,,,,, we have to not only burn the bridge,,, but build a new one,,,,,

    making people aware,,,,,,,,,,, mmmmmmm check your local court cases,,,, theres a start,,,,

    how much does the EPA,,,,,DPF,,, etc etc keep away from public,,, thats easy


    i've seen so many posts/replies on this forum regarding issiues,,,,m&gs ,, etc etc that the participants dont attend,,,

    please if your in this,,, be prepared,,,, its not a once only,,,

    its similar to a 10kg red,,,, outta the bay,,,, (nice catch),, it can be done


    none taken chop old mate.

    ive attened , the drive through the city, the river cruise (read washing machine) and the RRFF reveiw meetings, and i still had no idea what SOB was, but when pointed out, it clicked.

    its ammazing the amount of dedicated fishos, that are blisfully unaware of whats happening.

    i spoke with a fairly serious offshore fisho just the other day, this guy has all the gear, kc2400 ect, and he wasnt aware that you had to cut a pectoral fin from a CRFF.
    some will call him ignorant and irisponsible, but he doesnt buy the fishing mags, and doesnt use forums such as AF.

    its unfortunate, but its only about 5-10% of dedicated fisherman are gunna actually fight for this cause.

    I"m IN, i always have been.

    i'd love nothing more than to stick my rod up anna's ........................

    we are a minority, but we can bite.



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