Why are we not working under the SOB banner for this?
Why are we not working under the SOB banner for this?
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
This will most likely be done under the SOB banner unless someone has an objection. Tim is rallying the troops for us and taking a point role which is great and I am happy to pass that baton across. I will sit back a little in the organisation process this time around.
SOB = Save Our Bay Association Inc. It was set up after at the last protest to give a non political voice to a group against the EPA.
SOB = http://www.saveourbay.org.au
Have made thisa sticky post
SOBA Inc has all that is needed to make our voice heard, in so far as structure.
We have a small fighting fund established and established committee members.
There are also a few members that make theirs and our voices heard on a weekly basis.
In the last few months I have personally had a meeting with my Fed Member ( Graham Perrett ), in depth telephone conversations with the EPA's Senior Policy Advisor, My local State member and I have been in constant contact, LNP member Rob Messenger has been calling me asking for assistance in his fight against the EPA in return for his support, letters to the Courier Mail, YOUTUBE video of the facts behind the MBMP Zoning, Attended RRFF meeting, talk fest with Senior Scientists from Southern Fisheries, DPI&F managers and I have talks and exchanged ideas, been on the blower to the MBAA , made further submissions to the MBMP Zoning committee and told anyone that had a spare ear what the Zoning and planned closures are all about. I may have even posted my opinions and thoughts here abouts on Ausfish.... ><>
I did this with an uninterupted work and social life, so I am damn sure everyone of you can do the same... it really isn't that hard.
The hardest part is knocking the apathy out of Queensland Anglers.![]()
.I have had some enlightening phone calls in recent times from various people and these people have good ideas which need to be thrown up in a group of positive anglers that are prepared to put in the hard yards.
Thanks Timi, we'll catch up tomorrow, give me a call.
Cheers phill
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Any fellow NSW rec fishers following this thread, don't think it can't/won't happen to us.
More power to your collective elbows, Phill et al.
Cheers and sincere best wishes.
I'm in!
PM on its way.
Well I cant help with the political stuff, cause I dont get that. But as I said before I will be doing the rounds of my local bait and tackle shops to spread teh word.
Tim knows my thoughts on these issues.
Pm sent
My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.
Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.
Thanks Phill, I have to come see you to get my shirts anyway!
I had a chat with Don, who is the owner of Tackleworld in Bundy, today. He has a petition doing the rounds, and has commenced the application to have the protest on 12/12. It'll probably be feet only, outside Parliament House.
Rob Messenger appears to be quite excited about this too.
The date chosen is a result of the fact that they are sitting that day. They will hear us, and we can invite them out to speak with us. With any luck, Anna will think, "Oh SHIT..."
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Enough is enough ,count me in .
At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
his story ready to tell,
St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'
Im in..
I'll follow up the date with Don tomorrow, thanks PH.
To all the folks who have pm'd me already, I can't send a personal reply to everyone! There is some fabulous support out there, I can't wait to get things moving.
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Unless you can prove that the closures will not benefit people that are not involved in the fishing industry, you will at the very best be ignored.
The problem is of course, except for the other fisherman who have lost a fishing spot or the retailer who might have lost a client, no one else will care.
Why is the "Green Agenda" so effective? Because the environment effects everyone, we all rely on it to live.
A few fisherman making a whiny little protest about the loss of their favourite fishing spot won't work.
Here's hoping you don't slip up and make fools of yourselves and fellow fishermen.