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Thread: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

  1. #16
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    As it stands pro's have got everything to lose houses, cars,kids,boats,licences all with no compensation, if all you have to worry about is a small increase in size and the possiblility of closures that affect pro's too i'd be bloody over the moon, i know personally i can't bleed anymore there's no blood left.
    Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 24-10-2008 at 11:03 PM.

  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member - R.I.P. October 2015 dayoo's Avatar
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    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    Fisheries are pushing for a TAC for Commercial and Charter operators and a 4 month closure for recreation anglers. What is put across at public meetings and what is actually discussed at the RRFF workshops are two different things.
    I will send you some cods wallop after next weeks meeting.

    If you have the appropriate qualifying tonnage recorded in the past you will be one of the 170 commercial operators to benefit after the new regs are introduced.

    You also have 3 commercial reps on the working group looking after your interest and they have the ear of Fisheries.

    I don't need new glasses and I take no notice of sound bites from tapes.


  3. #18

    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    hi barry
    your hearing aid batt must be flat
    i went to that meeting too
    closures applied to all fshers nobody wants them
    you seem to be making a division amoungst fishers
    and yes pros do have more to loose than recs

  4. #19
    Ausfish Platinum Member - R.I.P. October 2015 dayoo's Avatar
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    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    Quote Originally Posted by outsiderskip View Post
    hi barry
    your hearing aid batt must be flat
    i went to that meeting too
    closures applied to all fshers nobody wants them
    you seem to be making a division amoungst fishers
    and yes pros do have more to loose than recs
    Like I said previously what was said at the public meetings and what was discussed at the workshops are two different things. Have a look at page 4 of the RRFF booklet which was handed out prior to the meetings under the options heading quote "A seasonal closure would not apply to the commercial sector as it will be managed through other means."

    Discussions have been held after the public meetings which you are not aware of and it is clear that recreational anglers will be saddled with lengthy closures unless agreement is reached on a TAC for recreational anglers which will need monitoring by use of catch cards.

    I will bet whats left in my super fund (not much after the yanks have stuffed the world economy) that pressure will be put on the three recreational reps at this weeks workshop to agree to this.

    At least you and Samson could have sent me a PM to find out some more detail before publicly questioning my hearing ability. I have a few relatives and friends in the commercial fishing industry and know what they are feeling.

    All users of the fishery are not happy with lengthy seasonal closures but I will not sit back and let the recreational anglers cop the rough end of the pineapple again. I will post a full report on Ausfish next Saturday after the RRFF Mooloolaba meeting.


  5. #20

    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    we didnt get a mod to delete half ofsamson post when he attacked a reply to you either

  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member - R.I.P. October 2015 dayoo's Avatar
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    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    Quote Originally Posted by outsiderskip View Post
    we didnt get a mod to delete half ofsamson post when he attacked a reply to you either
    Mate, I don't understand what you are on about. Are you suggesting that I was responsible for the editing of Samson's post by Lucky Phill? If you are then you are way off the mark.

    It is wise to think before putting fingers to the keyboard.


  7. #22
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    Barry i see your point to a degree my quote could of been handled differently but when anybody attacks my lively hood your self included about something that was clearly not mentioned on the tape then say pro's need more restrictions when they have already been wiped out nearly this really pisses me off, then some idiot deletes my response when it was justified, this was not a personal attack on you but your comments so i appolagise if any offence was incurred but i'm sick of rec's dropkicking pro's when they have no knowledge of our operations the costs involved and restrictions like its some joke as it stands now rec's have more if not the same bag limits as pro's with all species but we still get belted the only difference is we pay thousands every year for the right to sell our catch which on most trips is under a rec limit anyway then a big majority of rec's sell their catch to freinds,relatives and any joe blow and pretend they're high and mighty when they do the fishery more harm than anybody.

    Cheers samson

  8. #23
    Ausfish Platinum Member - R.I.P. October 2015 dayoo's Avatar
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    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season


    I know that you are feeling under the pump at this stage but that ABC story and interview was edited to fit into a time slot. The sound bites that were shown do not tell all the story and the final chapter will be revealed after the conclusion of the RRFF workshop at 5pm this Friday.

    The culling of a lot of smaller commercial operators was commenced by Fisheries at the request of the big operators prior to commencement of any workshops on the RRFF.

    All users of the fishery are against lengthy closures and there has been recent meetings between Commercial and Charter reps and numerous other meetings with influential people inside the fishing industry and in the political area.

    All the Commercial, Charter, Tackle and Recreation reps on the RRFF will oppose the closures but we will have to come up with a united plan acceptable to Fisheries.

    I have no doubt that meetings and discussions will be held between all the stakeholder parties prior to the commencement of the workshop on Thursday morning to try and come up with an acceptable outcome.

    If we get shafted and lengthy seasonal closures are recommended by Fisheries then we will continue the fight at a political level.


  9. #24
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    Fair enough mate didn't know their was a longer version of that tape but i'd be very surprised if all sectors were'nt given closures.

  10. #25

    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    not too sure what all the fuss is about a closed season really, you have a closed Prawn season, closed Trout seasons, all sorts of closed seasons for all sorts of species and reasons, some good, some a bit green and dodgey, no one likes it, (I guess except for the greenies) if you look at it in a slightly different angle, lets say a Local Pro can catch 1 tonne of Snapper per "season", does it matter if he catches it in 9 months or 12? there is also the remote possibility that after a closed season has been in place for a few years, that the "quota" or TAC or whatever you want to call it may be acheived in 6 months (we are talking maybe here) but we need to look at closures of seasons and areas very closely, not just from a personal "they are my fish" emotional view, nor from a full on green veiw, it needs to be monitored on a large interstate scale. Now remember the figures I quoted here were just pulled out of my bum, and do not for one minute profess to know anyones TAC of Snapper, (or anything else) lets get that straight OK!

  11. #26

    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    The first and biggest problem is that there is no science to prove that a closed season will be effective.

    It is nothing more than something that someone recons will be a good idea.

    second thay have proposed that the closed season will be 4 months the 4 months when it is possible to catch snapper in any sort of volume.

    and in deep water........and they only seem to be interested in deep water.... snapper catch in the bay is an after thaught.
    in deep water.... a large portion of snapper caugt and released will die.


    the closure will almost certainy be all rocky reef spicies.

    which will shut down a very large portion of SEQ fishing.

    but they are happy for the commercial sector to take tonnes of fish while the sector that actulay contributes more to the economy is starved.

    the whole thing is very poorly thaught out and treats recreational fishing in a very demeaning manner.


  12. #27

    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    so then should a rec fisho be concerned that we cannot catch Snapper in " any sort of volume" for 4 months of the year, or should we be more concerened about conserving stocks as well and only taking what we need? not too sure how much science is involved in figuring out that if no one catches a Snapper for 4 months, then there will be more Fish available, seems like a pretty simple concept to me! next up, what scientific evidence do you have to support how much Snapper is caught by rec Fishos, compared to Local pros in your area? by what method do the pros catch their Fish? now for the big issue, where were all you guys when they close (say) batemans Bay?? did not affect you, so you said nothing, now it is your back yard and it is an outrage!

  13. #28

    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    before you all organise a lynch mob for me, I am on your side, but questions like those will come up every day, unless you have concrete answers, then you are washed up before you get started. Negative I know, but that's life!

  14. #29
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    Noelm your veiws from a commercial perspective aren't right if the closure occurrs when no other species are spawning you will be broke for a few months as its only viable commercially targeting fish that are schooled up spawning any other times you will be lucky to just cover costs.So you will be sitting around catching nothing for up to a few months if the fish aren't running going broke real quick. God help if its a bad season and the best fishing falls on the closure that means no TAC filled.

    The best out come for everybody regarding snapper if a closed season has to occur is in the months around summer early aurtum when the current is still running anyway and the pelagics are fishing well still, so it affects the industry little this was mentioned at a meeting and would work as snapper are spasmatic spawners breeding at different times of year it would probably mean that fisheries would require a longer closure but i'd take a longer closure over a shorter one if it was placed when it affects snapper catches little.

    Cheers samson

  15. #30

    Re: Qld Govt considering shorter commercial snapper season

    Noel, your question about where we were when Batemans Bay was shut, for me I wasn't around and personally only got made aware of any sort of closures for any part of the country happening around May/June last year when I met with the team from the AFLP and had a chat about how I can help.

    If I knew back then I would do the same as I do now. You are right though, the "its not in my backyard so why worry" attitude was there I dare say. I just wish more of us could look past the end of our rods and be objective across all sectors and across the country to bandy together.


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