The only safe spot you have when barra fishing is once the fish is in the boat, for this reason I don't back the drag off at all. Solid weed beds are much more dangerous and easier to lose fish in then around trees. As many people have said you just free spool once the barra has you around the trees and more often then not you can unknit them. Try this in the weed and see how often it is successful. Smart big barra just plough through dense weed and clog the line with weed and the main line snaps or the lure is ripped from their mouth because of the extra drag from the weed. Most of the times that I have free spooled in this situation to reduce the drag has ended up in a long time untangling the weed from the line and finding no fish on the end of the line. It's much easier to untangle a couple of trees from the line than a pile of weed. For this reason I am of the opinon of go hard or go home. Having said that though, I know use 20lb line around weed beds as I have found really thin line under a lot of tension cuts the weed like a knife and doesn't foul the line as much. I still use 50lb line in the trees for it's extra abrasion resistance and there's nothing quite like the experience of 50lb braid going crack when you've gone hard on a fish. Some you win and some you lose but it's the fun you had along the way that counts. cheers scott.