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Thread: live bait near tingalpa creek

  1. #1

    Smile live bait near tingalpa creek

    hey guys just wondering if anyone know where i can pick up a few livies round tingalpa creek ways have managed one or to by the ramp but nothing has wanted to hide in my net for awhile. have tried bread to atract them and just end up catching tiny fish minding their own busness. any help would be good


  2. #2

    Re: live bait near tingalpa creek

    try going down lota creek at the train bridge, picked up a heap of prawns, mullet and herring there

  3. #3

    Re: live bait near tingalpa creek

    mate go to the first right hand bend past the train bridge in creek there is a hole there what always holds bait....or just before the jetties on the way into lota creek...cheers rosco

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