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Thread: 22kg Snapper

  1. #76

    Re: 22kg Snapper


  2. #77
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Monster lol

  3. #78
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    id be happy with anyone of those fish in pics

  4. #79
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    sheeit thats nice! love those pics mate - looks like a trip to SA is on the cards for me!!!!

    sad to read the knockers come out again - typical.

    must be jealous...

  5. #80
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cammy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Very large fish indeed, that would be mounted at my house if i caught it, that is i fit died when i put it in the water.

    Australian Native Fish Vids
    Specialize in Terapontida's, Perches, Cods, Gobies & Gudgeons

  6. #81

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Thats a cracker!



  7. #82

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Didnt you know.....if it wasnt caught in cant be that big. FFS they have been catching snaps in that big in Whyalla since the first fisherman decide to drop a bait there. They arent an everyday capture, but they arent uncommon. Great effort to get onto schools of em. Why dont you tell the rest of these guys about the Great Whites that tend to muscle in on the action in the lower Gulf...that should make some interesting reading (I have lived and worked in SA)


  8. #83

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Awesome Fish, just friggen AWESOME!!!!

    And just so that I dont upset anybody I'll have a go at you as well.

    Photoshopped?- NO, The call him BIGASH because he's a midget! Them fish are really 5kgs,. They just look big because he's a little fellah. Who said I can play both sides of the fence?

    Keep up the good work Ash.


  9. #84

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepygreg View Post
    Didnt you know.....if it wasnt caught in cant be that big. FFS they have been catching snaps in that big in Whyalla since the first fisherman decide to drop a bait there. They arent an everyday capture, but they arent uncommon. Great effort to get onto schools of em. Why dont you tell the rest of these guys about the Great Whites that tend to muscle in on the action in the lower Gulf...that should make some interesting reading (I have lived and worked in SA)

    I know an ex charter skipper from whyalla, he skippered a successful boat for over 15years & has many australian records of his own. his biggest caught on charter was 18.5kg. these are real weights not a extra few added for the story.
    15kg is a great fish these days, look at results from snapper comp. not many 14kg+ anymore.

    Yes the great whites are going bezerk at whyalla lately, plenty of sightings & reports of many 5-6mt sharks......not near my tinny.

    hey chubster..115kg midget?


  10. #85

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Un fricken believabubble

  11. #86

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Believe this to be the real thing as was back in the 1950's/60's (I think)
    probably taken on a box brownie camera in days before photo tampering
    Was caught by a commercial fisherman off Coramandel, New Zealand
    no weight was given but fishing peoples say one of the biggest snapper ever

  12. #87

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Not a bad fish mate, me and my friend tangles catch fish of a similar size regularly, we prefer to use mustard 7766 in a 12/0 and a 8 foot ET special from shimano with a surecatch overhead and normaly run 30lb mono with a 50lb leader, we like using fresh squid but frozen works well,

  13. #88

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Not a bad fish mate

  14. #89

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    Quote Originally Posted by sleepygreg View Post
    Didnt you know.....if it wasnt caught in cant be that big. FFS they have been catching snaps in that big in Whyalla since the first fisherman decide to drop a bait there. They arent an everyday capture, but they arent uncommon. Great effort to get onto schools of em. Why dont you tell the rest of these guys about the Great Whites that tend to muscle in on the action in the lower Gulf...that should make some interesting reading (I have lived and worked in SA)

    I was born and bred at a town situated between Arno Bay and Whyalla and can definitely verify the presence of Carcharodon carcharias in those waters.

    I dont remember the year but it was around the late 1970s when this little fella appeared.

    It being around the time of JAWS being released, needless to say that the local swimming pool did a great trade that year.

  15. #90
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: 22kg Snapper

    I have seen that pic before and I can remember the snapper came in at 48lb.
    it was caught on a pro longline in NZ waters and could not be entered as a record.

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