Definately caught off moreton by a novice with little experience, but hey that's who catches all these freak fish either kids or granny's but it sure looks like a SA fish with that ugly shaped head maybe it was just lost.
Cheers samson.
Definately caught off moreton by a novice with little experience, but hey that's who catches all these freak fish either kids or granny's but it sure looks like a SA fish with that ugly shaped head maybe it was just lost.
Cheers samson.
all the pics i posted where caught at Arno Bay in Spencer Gulf South Australia, i took these myself except for 1 of them with me in it.
the initial pic which started the posted i have been told taken north of whyalla approx 150kms north of Arno Bay.
dunno about the kids & grannies though??
nope queensland fish big ash caught by mate off moreton island you must have it mistaken for another.
Loved the sinker shots, certainly shows you were on the fish,
we only see that kind of sinker action when the leatherjackets are here.
Big ash i was told two weeks ago but whether me mate is trying a sneaky and caught it down your way and passing it off as local i don't know but i'll be looking in to it, but looking at the shape of it's head and size it sure looks like a south oz fish but i'll drill me mate for more details.
Big Ash
Great shots mate! and dont worry about the knockers at all!!!
Speedylures and Samson
I dont for a second think that the fish is photoshopped BUT the guy in the picture is standing close to the camera ( you can tell this by the lack of boat showing in the picture ) and he is holding the fish well forward ( you can tell this by his arms and the sharpness in the fish photo but the lack of focus on the angler) this gives the impression that it's been photoshopped. Now i'm not saying that it's not a 22kg snap but if you took a normal picture of it , it would look much smaller imho!
Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!
why not become a paid advertiser for arno bay charters?
Ian i don't disagree the day i see 22kg on the scales is the day i beleive but you can clearly tell by the fishes shape,scales and head structure that it is definately over 15kg, but was posted at 22kg because thats what me mate said.
Cheers samson
Its irrelivant were the fish was caught BUT If that fish is 22kg or even close - I'm Australias fastest sprinter!
Fair play big ash.... I'm all for the tag and release....looks like I ruffled a few feathers with that last post of mine.
Let me say first off that they are impressive fish obviously and the photos prove that. I'm no greeny, but I am worried that if we keep taking home fish like this in 20/30 years time when my kids are out there fishing for big Snapper they will have no chance of catching them as we have mounted them all on our walls.
Thats just my opinion and I realise that it will be differnet from most of you out there, which is why I worry so much about the chances of catching big snapper in the future.
working on a lot of things
this is a pic of a fish on the scales. they are being held like they are as the fat bugger bust the handle.
it reads just over 42lb. these scales weigh exactly 1kg light at 15kg
ie. i have weighed 15kg of water at local butchers scales & it weighs 14kg on mine( i have checked them since becoming ANSA member so i have an idea where i'm exactly at with weights)
if you don't believe that its still 42lb, after a full 8hrs in esky it still weighed over 40lb on same scales