Opposition contacts
Lawrence Springborg leader@opposition.qld.gov.au
Mike Horan, MP............Shadow Minister for Food Security and Agriculture
(including Fisheries and Biosecurity
Tim Nicholls, MP..........Shadow Treasurer
The concensus of opinion with regards to this matter is that the data collected to justify this fishing closure is flawed.
The DPI will forge on and present this data to the minister Tim Mulherin for signoff and submission for leglistation
The minister will probably be unaware of the backlash from the fishing community and the fact that the data is incorrect
here are the contacts
The premier for general information
The minister for DPI for the facts about the RRF
The Treasury for the economic effects
Get the letters comming in otherwise this closures will become a reality
Anna Bligh MP Premier
Tim Mulherin MP Minister for Primary Industries
Andrew Fraser MP Treasurer
"light gear big fish big fun"
Opposition contacts
Lawrence Springborg leader@opposition.qld.gov.au
Mike Horan, MP............Shadow Minister for Food Security and Agriculture
(including Fisheries and Biosecurity
Tim Nicholls, MP..........Shadow Treasurer
"light gear big fish big fun"