We finally got our act together and decided to enter the classic this year for our first time, myself,stewie(tracing em) and anthony(CaptinJack_Zero), We headed out on wednesday to set up camp and have a bit of a prefish, fished the seaway and surrounding area for not much at all , so the call was made for the first day of the comp to go to the pin to fish
So 6:30 thursday morning we are up at the pin flicking our soft plastics as hard as we can,the first hour and a half nothing, we start to get a bit frustrated that we couldnt even get a strike, so we see a bit of a weedie patch and stew, decides to put us in position. As Anthony is still re rigging with another plastic stewie and i get straight in there, and on the first lift hes hooked up to a good size flattie, and with in a second mine is also nailed by a monster,
,as all hell breaks loose trying to find the net , whose fish to net first(great job ant) , we finally get both fish on board , stewies goes 75cm, bloody good fish, mine goes 86 cm,smashed my PB by over 20cm
, what monsters these fish are at this size, didnt realise how hard they are to photograph, both fish released fit and well, with a few high fives and back slaps we get back to fishing but you couldnt wipe the smile off my face, rest of the trip was pretty hard to fish we got a few more flatties but nothing with much size, stewie picked up a 45cm estuary cod which won him the catagory, and i got a sardine. Thanks boys for an awesome trip and cant wait til next year. Cheers bennykenny. PS. DR Bellows is comming again next year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!