My brother has a Fenwick game rod that look similar. Colour and binding is pretty close.
I was given a surf rod and was hoping someone could ID it for me? I had a new butt made for it but will need new guides for it, any idea on what it would cost to replace them and put clear varnish on it?
Cheers, Mick.
My brother has a Fenwick game rod that look similar. Colour and binding is pretty close.
dude i have the same rod decaying behind the shed, are they collectable or somethin
Still got bits of one of these hanging around, I bought it in about '82 or so, about $50 compared to a 12' Butterworth about $90.
Immediately put new Fuji runners on it then painted the thing with 2 coats of Estapol, it would cast 4oz or so pretty well. In later years it softened very considerably, would not cast a decent weight well at all.
I would guess yours has had new runners placed on it at some stage.
Caught my largest jew on this rod, the fact that it was so soft was a bonus.
I'd guess it was a 6 wrap, 13'6" long minus handle.
Personally I'd put the new runners etc on yourself, it isn't difficult.
The rod is older then me! haha. It has got a new bottom runner and tip but the rest is old, I dont really have a good (safe) area at home to put the new runners on (2 dogs and my 16 month old son) How do you think it would go casting 40-80 gram slugs?
Cheers, Mick.
Might be a bit 'soft/slow' Mick, in which case it would be better for casting bait.
Give it a go and see, might not need to do anything to it.
Hi Mick,
Never actually used the Fenwick myself but my brother uses his rod for sharking. He picked it up at a pawn brokers for $80. It was in mint condition but I reckon it was at least 10-15 years old. Fenwick still exists, there website is Cheers.