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Can Trim Tabs be dangerous - Page 2
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Thread: Can Trim Tabs be dangerous

  1. #16

    Re: Can Trim Tabs be dangerous

    The americans have it all over the aussies in this respect with many of there boats being moulded with recessed area's for the tabs and having them fitted as standard!

    Greg P

    Did he really say that? I guess he forgot about all that lovely staino work that's covered in clears and cloth that CC's have. Talk about getting carried away with ones self!

    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  2. #17

    Re: Can Trim Tabs be dangerous

    Agree totally with Ian, all mono's' over 17' will benefit from tabs, flat days don't need them at all, but put a bit of wind on and they are great for leveling the ride, if nothing else.

    Only possible problem I can think of is if you have tabs extended whilst you are traveling down hill, as you want the bow up.

    Don't listen to the dealer Troy, he is full of it



  3. #18

    Re: Can Trim Tabs be dangerous

    Mate - you probably have an overwhelming sense by now that trim tabs are hugely popular here.

    I fitted my 1970s Seafarer Vagabond with a set of Bennetts and never looked back - it transformed the ride and slow speed ride in really rough conditions.

    The list issue is just not an issue in heavy side wind when they are being used.

    I cannot see them being dangerous - even in a following sea provided in those conditions they are trimmed up. They add waterline length in effect also which is handy.

    They are a wholly different proposition to a cav plate mounted foil. I doubt I would ever had another 5m plus glass boat without a set.


  4. #19
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Can Trim Tabs be dangerous

    I think that tabs will make a bad boat good, and a good boat even better. I do think that they can be dangerous, for all of the reasons mentioned above, But the best piece of advice I got on them is that as soon as you are heading with the sea, put both of the tabs all the way up and leave them there. Tabs should never be used while travelling downsea. I wouldnt be without them now.


  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Can Trim Tabs be dangerous

    Dangerous...! Unfortunately sales people sometimes say the most ridiculous things, and this is one of them.

    Well I suppose the steering wheel is dangerous too as it will let you steer into another boat or a stationary object, the prop is dangerous as it might slice someone up...gee, where do you stop!

    Like any ‘performance’ orientated equipment on a boat, correct tabs operation needs to be learned, and yes they could ‘raise an eyebrow’ if used incorrectly. But hell, it won’t take you long to realise that something‘s not right & adjust the tabs accordingly! As someone said, you’d only do it once.

    I took my new 685 CC out for her maiden voyage on Sunday and came back from Peel (to Manly) in a nasty 20+ kn Northerly, wind against tide, with a decent wind heel due to full campers/clears, and boy was I crying out for my tabs. I have bought them, but decided not to get them fitted until I work out how to modify the ladder (and give it an extra rung) so that the tabs can be installed out wide where they are supposed to be & not half way in to the motor - but that's another story!

    Quote Originally Posted by finding_time View Post
    The americans have it all over the aussies in this respect with many of there boats being moulded with recessed area's for the tabs and having them fitted as standard!...
    Yep, but it's good to see we are slowly catching on. I see the bigger Whittley's and the new Haines Patriot have them recessed.

    Quote Originally Posted by tenzing View Post
    ...I cant imagine life without them now
    Troy, you will find that anyone who has had them will say the same, and when you don't have em you miss them like hell.

    Quote Originally Posted by finding_time View Post fact all mono hull boats over 5.5m should have them fitted as standard imho as they make a boat handle the differing conditions of the ocean soooooooo much better!...
    Agree 100%, but I guess there is also the argument that for the smaller boats it will add an extra 1.3k that might make brand X seem expensive compared to the others, and it's always the push for less $'s that drives the decisions unfortunately

    Once you have had tabs, you will never go without them. Best grand + you will ever spend.

  6. #21

    Re: Can Trim Tabs be dangerous

    I do not have a problem with tabs as i have them on my new boat.
    Just asking why the Dealer of my ex boat said they do not need them and can be dangerous.
    Curious of why he would say this as Grep P was told the same thing.
    I guess a following sea with one side down would be a reason why the boat would be in a not safe mode.
    That is the only thing i can see where you could get into trouble.
    I stand to be corrected.

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