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$$$ from deckies - Page 5

View Poll Results: Deckies $$$$

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  • Set amount for fuel

    18 10.11%
  • Divide the costs evenly

    112 62.92%
  • Supply the bait, ice, etc.....

    15 8.43%
  • Just sit back and enjoy the trip

    33 18.54%
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Thread: $$$ from deckies

  1. #61
    Ausfish Platinum Member BrandonH's Avatar
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    Dec 2005

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    Whenever I have been asked out as a deckie or offered a spot on a fishing trip offshore I do as much as I can for the skipper I always ask if they would like some $$ thrown in for Fuel/bait, I drop/pull up the anchor flick this switch or that grab the net/gaff/Camera when asked. Also at the end of the trip I offer to help clean the catch and boat/Trailer/car every time. If this is someone you don't really know or have just met you want to make a good impression don't you? If you get along and have a good time you want to go out again right???

    Now I am unlucky enough (yeah OK a little over the top) to not have a good mate with a larger boat

    If its up the creek I don't think it should be quite the same, depends on the travel involved I guess. If I was to take someone out in my tinny up the pine i wouldn't charge, if they offered to help cleanup they would get asked out again.

    I guess it comes down to what the skipper wants for the trip. I sure wish I was in a position to say sure come along, nah I don't need anything thrown in all good mate!! Unfortunately I think the majority of people aren't in this boat


    PS: deckie/fishing buddy Looking for a Reef trip out wide from SE QLD. Will put in for fuel/bait (will use plastics mainly) and help cleanup after PM me please!!!!

  2. #62

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    When doing a trip outside I generally buy everything including tackle, bait, food and fuel up the boat when we come home then split the lot by however many have gone on the trip. Deckies come back and help clean the boat, clean fish and drink beer. If they don't it'll be a long time before they get another trip. But everybody always does. Every body is aware of the expectations before we go.

    If we are just going for a fish up the creek or a joy ride out in the bay don't usually worry about money as it doesn't add up to a lot. Don't include service costs for the boat I figure that is just part of owning a boat. But would understand if people did put a small amount on as it costs a lot of money to maintain a boat in safe working condition.

  3. #63
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Aug 2007

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    we've been there and done that on this subject a few times.

    I hate fishing alone. I always struggle to rustle up a mate to come along - everyone says 'yeah - invite me along next time you're heading out' but when the time comes and its a 3am start they are nowhere to be seen.

    so... I appreciate a few bucks thrown my way for fuel, but never ask or expect anyone to come back to my place to clean or store the boat. I figure its part of the fun of boat ownership.

    if i ever had to count the $$ and include rego, maintenance etc and factor that in for mates coming fishing with me, then I can't afford the boat in the first place. and yeah - mates are not deckies, but they should man the anchor at the very least.

    overall - a boat is a leisure pursuit, a luxury - and $$ shouldn't come into thinking when going out.

  4. #64

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    We always share fuel and bait costs, and then share the catch at the end of the day. Doesn't matter who caught what, fillets get divided evenly. Usually comes to around 40 to 50 bucks each which most people are more than happy to pay for a full day fishing and some fresh fish to take home.

  5. #65
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Feb 2007

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    I think the big secret is to sort out what is expected before you go whether that be dollars , anchor duties whatever. I don't personally ask for money but I also don't expect to do the anchor unless i really want to get it right .I generally only take out people I want to enjoy the day with . I do expect some help with cleaning the boat. they want to bring bait it's always welcome

  6. #66

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    Don't know, don't care.. my mates come fishing with me in the boat, or up the beach in the 4wd coz I asked them to come along for company. Some buy extra bait, or some tucker / coldies, thats all good. None of them offer bucks, but by the same token I don't ask for it.

    I do however offer if a mate takes me.. being we mostly fish rivers etc he usually declines as it would not be a lot of money, but in kind I repay the favours by lending a hand with trailer repairs, beers or similar.

    My tinny runs on the smell of an oily rag so I really don't care about taking a mate out for a day coz the company is worth more than the probably $10 I spent on fuel.
    If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?

  7. #67
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    If its close in, I wouldn't expect to have the crew share the cost, just help unload, clean fish and boat.

    If its distance and offshore then, yes, spreading the cost of fuel I believe allows everyone the ability to be able to do more trips. As a skipper, if I am forking out the cost for every trip offshore, then the time between trips would be alot greater. I only split the cost of the top up, not the cost of a full tank.

    As for bait and food, I take alot of bait out, crew can if they wish bring some to add to the pot. Food, they might not like what I have for lunch, so its bring your own food and drink/beers.
    Fillet and Release Squad

  8. #68

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    only owning a small boat the running cost are small so i dont ask for money but as mentioned above by many if your buddy isnt gonna give you a hand they dont get invited to often
    but when i go fishing in a friends boat i always offer and make sure i buy the beer but in real terms a 20 or 50 wouldnt cover the real cost of a larger boat on a big day
    i just look at it as " i was going anyway "

  9. #69
    Ausfish Silver Member elprez's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    If you cant afford to go fishing without spreading the cost your obvioulsy over your limit.
    If you need to justify a trip by producing fish your obviously over your limit.
    If youve got a boat that you cant handle on your own and need a decky your obviously over your capability and should be paying the decky.
    If you advertise for deckies on a fishing trip how can you charge?

  10. #70
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    Quote Originally Posted by elprez View Post
    If you cant afford to go fishing without spreading the cost your obvioulsy over your limit.
    If you need to justify a trip by producing fish your obviously over your limit.
    If youve got a boat that you cant handle on your own and need a decky your obviously over your capability and should be paying the decky.
    If you advertise for deckies on a fishing trip how can you charge?
    You obviously own a very small creek bound tinnie!!!!!!!

    As for your comments above, your so far from the truth its quite funny!!!

    Can't afford to go fishing - I earn more than enough to fish whenever I want, only work gets in the way....
    Justifying a trip by producing fish - I give fish away to my deckies/fishing buddies and enjoy watching others catch fish just as much as catching them myself (when not handling the boat while they fight a fish)
    Unable to handle my boat - you definitely must be creek-bound, offshore by yourself is just a stupid move, not safe and bound to come unstuck, thats why I take people out for a fishing trip..
    Advertising for a deckie - I don't have to advertise, I ask my fellow ausfish mates if they are up for a trip and they jump at the chance. Oh, by the way they offer some dollars because they know every little bit helps and if I am fishing, they are fishing.

    Just something for you to think about...
    Fillet and Release Squad

  11. #71

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    I don't charge anything. if your going anways whats it cost to take an extra person? really it equates to nothing. usally tho most people i take out slip a few dollars or bring bait or something of that nature,or even a 6 pack of beer. either way im not fussy at all, there only requirement is to be anchor boy in the deeper water hehehheeh

  12. #72

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    Any deckies need a ride? Mooloolaba. Good company & experience always welcome.

  13. #73

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    last time i took a mate out he lost about 40 dollars worth of soft plastics and jig heads and then let all the 15lb braid peel off the reel so the day with petrol turned into about 100 dollar lose took his mate and he caught the only snapper about 6 kilo neither offered a cent and his mate took the snapper home which they bbqd but didnt invite me so now i fish alone and its a lot cheaper and if i want to listen to bull shite i can turn the radio on it does get a little lonely at times though coop

  14. #74
    Ausfish Platinum Member Dean1's Avatar
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    Re: $$$ from deckies

    Quote Originally Posted by paul cooper View Post
    last time i took a mate out he lost about 40 dollars worth of soft plastics and jig heads and then let all the 15lb braid peel off the reel so the day with petrol turned into about 100 dollar lose took his mate and he caught the only snapper about 6 kilo neither offered a cent and his mate took the snapper home which they bbqd but didnt invite me so now i fish alone and its a lot cheaper and if i want to listen to bull shite i can turn the radio on it does get a little lonely at times though coop
    I think you need to find yourself some new mates

  15. #75
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: $$$ from deckies

    Right on there Dean1, I'd hate to see my gear peeling off the boat in someone elses hands. On my rig its bring your own tackle. Although if someonne does run out of snapper sinkers we generally chuck'em a couple...

    There is only 1 person who shares my tackle and that would be my brother when he comes up to Townsville on business trips, I don't expect him to carry all his tackle up on the plane, so he uses what I have.....
    Fillet and Release Squad

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