hi guys i have been checking out the site for mths, great reports and pics.
I m coming back to noosa for a few weeks , I lived up there for 4 yrs and have been holidaying up there since the early 80s .
i am bring my boat.
i was thinking if anyboady could pass on a few gps marks for the local reefs around the area the usual suspect areas are cool ,Im not after secret spotss but if they area shared they will stay with me.
I have fished the bay a few times but always on mates boats so never really payed attention to the marks .
I will ask my mates as well.
I have a 4.3mt quintrex , all saftey gear and i fish wide of syd plenty so sea time in open water is no problem.
im after snapper and cobia , soft plastic and baitfishing no problem.
cheers for any help. Cant wait to get back up