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Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why - Page 2
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Thread: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

  1. #16

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    Only until about 3 months ago I started using that reverse,
    I'll cast and let the current take the bait near where the sounder saw fish , when the bait stops moving I'll reverse and the fish must think it's naturely drifting and not tied onto something holding it in one spot, I'll get hits and keep winding out till the line goes tight then wind the other way ( and flip the switch) , next time your out give it a go,

  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    Quote Originally Posted by 2manylures View Post
    I merely answered the original question that was asked.

    I didn't mention winding backwards & if you weren't so ignorant & actually tried palming the handle you'd then find it makes fishing easier work not harder.

    Once a NAFA always a NAFA
    For the record I wasn't having a dig but your paranoia has got the better of you and your defensive reply shows only your own ignorance.

    Personally i don't think its your reel your good at palming, its your rod that gets all your attention.

  3. #18
    Ausfish Silver Member kevvie's Avatar
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    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    funny post
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  4. #19

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    I guess there is a small purpose to use the "free handle" option, but in practice it provides very little useful application, if it is such a big deal to you to be able to wind backwards to let out line, then you should be using an Alvey! remove the feature I say.

  5. #20

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    Quote Originally Posted by plaztix View Post
    For the record I wasn't having a dig but your paranoia has got the better of you and your defensive reply shows only your own ignorance.

    Personally i don't think its your reel your good at palming, its your rod that gets all your attention.
    I don't really give a shit what you think as I don't think very much of you or your comments.

    Those who bag others when they don't know them are only making complete fools of themselves so please continue to do so.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    Quote Originally Posted by 2manylures View Post
    I don't really give a shit what you think as I don't think very much of you or your comments.

    Those who bag others when they don't know them are only making complete fools of themselves so please continue to do so.
    LOL ditto ditto ditto

    And you stayed up till 3am to come up with that? geez this must be really eating you up, hope you feel better after a big sleep.

    PS - Read the posts again and have a look at who started the bagging.

  7. #22

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    Quote Originally Posted by 2manylures View Post
    I don't really give a shit what you think as I don't think very much of you or your comments.

    Those who bag others when they don't know them are only making complete fools of themselves so please continue to do so.

    Strewth!! That's a bit harsh mate isn't it?


  8. #23

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    time for a group hug guys???

  9. #24

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    reasons for using the wind back feature.

    when you have wound up too much to cast and you dont want to yank on the string to get more out...... been mentioned

    yep counting down depth.... been mentioned

    letting line out under controll..... been mentioned

    letting out a known length when trolling.

    I can imagine lots of people would have uses for it......... but you have to understand sooo many egg beater users are simple people and only understand...... you wind in....... and the drag stops it from breaking

    Same blokes who cant understand that an alvey can have 3 different drag systems

    Then you have bait feeders for people who cant wind back


  10. #25

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    Obviously the concept of Backwinding has eluded you all.Ian

  11. #26
    Ausfish Platinum Member plaztix's Avatar
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    Jul 2007

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    Quote Originally Posted by coelacanth View Post
    Obviously the concept of Backwinding has eluded you all.Ian
    Please enlighten us Ian, we are all ears...............................

  12. #27

    Re: Handle reverse on an egg beater. Why

    sorry forgot about this one , backwinding simply put is when you backwind down to a depth where you know fish to be sitting , for example bass around structure like trees, watch your sounder , see your plastic and watch the fish as the jighead floats back down.bass often will take a lure /plastic on the drop and instead of free spooling or opening the bail and letting out line without control you can miss the hits.this way you have more control , can feel the take up of the line and act appropriately to the bite. It works well at nsw impoundments such as glenbawn.You can even count the revolutions if you like to put yourself back into the target zone and miss structure such as stumps etc.I guess that depends on how good your set up is .Don't worry the some of the yanks have not heard about it either. Awesome fun ,specially when you are in a big school of fish. Their is some footgae of it out their in cyber land.Pm me and Ill direct you too it.Ian

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