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Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call
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Thread: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

  1. #1

    Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Just thought it might be fun to have a Yalta Owners Club...

    Post your boat type & comments on the thread..........

    Only because I started this thread, I'll be #1

    I have a deposit on a Yalta Odessa 6.15 with these specs:

    Yamaha Z150 HPDI (Direct Injected) Outboard
    Dunbier Tandem Trailer - Rollers on every cross member
    Front & Side Clears
    Rocket Launcher
    NavigationLights – LED
    Fusion CD/Mp3 Player with Speakers
    Privacy Curtain
    Porta-Potti Toilet
    Bilge pump - Automatic float switch
    Fuel Tank - 150ltrs
    Lowrance GlobalMap 7200C (I'll supply)
    Furuno FCV-585 FishFinder with 1Kw transducer
    2x Battery and Box including isolation switch
    2x 4 Gang Switch Panel
    Factory fibreglass bait board with sink incorporated rod holders and solid double leg mounting
    4x stainless rod holders mounted in gunwale
    Flush mount LED courtesy lights (cabin, helm, 2x deck)
    Rear Esky Seats
    4x pop up stainless cleats (2x port, 2x starboard)
    High Pressure deck wash

    share your Yalta boat with the Yalta Club!!!
    Last edited by fish-n-dive; 27-09-2008 at 12:45 PM. Reason: added pictures
    "This space is saved for my next special catch"
    "Rainy" Haines Hunter 540C Yamaha 130 HPDI
    28lb King Salmon
    18lb Steelhead (Rainbow) Trout
    12lb Brown Trout
    6.5lb Brook Trout
    12lb Murry Cod
    6'+ Bronze Whaler Shark

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member joe 09's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    I have a Yalta triple 5
    About 3 years old but i have only had it a month or two

    Yamaha 130 (salt water) Outboard
    Booker Tandem Trailer - Rollers on every cross member and self centering rollers
    Bimini all the way to the back
    Front & Side Clears
    Rocket Launcher
    Navigation Lights
    CD/Mp3 Player with Speakers
    Privacy Curtain
    Porta-Potti Toilet
    Bilge pump - Automatic float switch
    Fuel Tank - 150ltrs +60ltrs more now
    HDS 7 GPS
    HDS 5 fish Finder with 1Kw transducer
    EP10 fuel flow meter
    Nmea 2000 network
    2x Battery and Box including isolation switch
    2x 8 Gang Switch Panel
    bait board with incorporated rod holders
    4x stainless rod holders mounted in gunwale
    one Rear Esky and one Seats
    High Pressure deck wash
    Two live bait tank both plumb and both with,pump and timer.
    s/s ladder
    electric winch

    2x150 spot lights on front bow rail

    And a stickers on the side

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member honda900's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Yep I'm in.

    Suzi 140
    Booker Tandem Trailer - Rollers on every cross member and self centering rollers
    Front & Side Clears
    Rocket Launcher
    Navigation Lights
    Privacy Curtain
    Porta-Potti Toilet
    Bilge pump
    Fuel Tank - 150ltrs
    Lowrance x527igps

    Garmin 172c chartplotter
    2 x Battery and isolation switch
    2 x 4 Gang Switch Panel
    bait board with incorporated rod holders
    6 x stainless rod holders mounted in gunwale
    one Rear Esky and one Seat
    live bait tank plumbed

    Nmea 2000 network
    EP10 fuel flow meter
    EP20 engine interface
    Second bait tank plumbed to bilge.

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Yamaha 115 4/s
    Booker trailer with rollers on each cross memeber s/c rollers
    Bimmi front and side clears with removable extention rear bimmi
    Nav lights
    Anchor light
    Bilge pump
    Duel batteries with 2 way isolation switch
    Deck wash
    150 liters fuel under floor
    Bait board
    Rear seats, 1 esky and 1 storage
    Boarding ladder
    4 gunwale s/s rod holders
    S/s rocket launchers
    Lowrance x515cd sounder
    Matrix 17 combo
    Gme gx600 vhf
    Gme gx300 27meg
    Gme gr100 am/fm radio
    2 x 4 switch panels
    2 bait tanks


  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member Mtx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    me 2 - 615 Odessa

    Yamaha Z200 HPDI Outboard
    Dunbier Tandem Trailer - Rollers on every cross member
    Front & Side Clears
    Rocket Launcher
    NavigationLights – LED

    Fusion CD/Mp3 Player with Speakers
    Privacy Curtain
    Porta-Potti Toilet
    Bilge pump - Automatic float switch
    Fuel Tank - 180ltrs
    Hummingbird sounder
    Hummingbird GPS with Maps
    2x Battery and Box including isolation switch
    3 x 4 Gang Switch Panel
    Sid_fishes Custom Stainless baitboard double leg mounting
    4x stainless rod holders mounted in gunwale
    LED large Striplight - Helm, Cabin
    2 x Spotlights mounted in rocket launcher rear facing
    1 x remote helm operated searchlight on the front.
    Rear Esky Seats
    4x pop up stainless cleats (2x port, 2x starboard)
    High Pressure deck wash
    plumbed live bait tank
    New fold down stainless anchor light on rocket launcher
    Electric trailer winch
    Outboard covers australia cover.
    my baby was new in May - only have the photo from the day I picked it up. Few mods since then

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Fin & Tonic
    Yamaha 115 4/s
    Standard fitout except for:
    • Booker trailer with rollers on each cross member
    • New bimini mounted anchor light (see the photo)
    • Bilge pump with auto float switch
    • Duel batteries with 3 way isolation switch
    • Boarding ladder
    • Removable gunwale 90 degree s/s rod holders
    • Fururo sounder
    • Garmin GPS
    • Gme VHF
    • Gme CD /fm radio
    • MT400 EPIRB
    • 2 x 6 switch panels
    • Plumbed bait tanks
    What other people think about me is not my business: Michael J Fox.

  7. #7

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    I am Approximately two weeks away from taking delivery of my new 555.
    Brad ( For Steve) and I crawled all over this boat in the display room, and I liked the boat that much, I ordered it exactly the same.
    Only additions were
    * Upgrade to 115 4s
    * add additional Bimini for shade ( women, gotta keep them happy)
    *788x Colour GPS/Sounder Humminbird
    * Best trailer on Offer - Dunbier drive on
    I'd like to thank those in this thread who helped me decide. I have pestered you guys for advice for which I am very appreciative.
    A few phone calls later, I could not be happier with things, except ...... I want the real thing instead of these crappy photos which are only helping keep the dream alive, while the boat comes out of the mould and gets fitted up.

    One major decider was the small walk around ledge that enables getting to the front of the boat when coming into the boat ramp, so the deckie can jump off the front to cushion the boat against the beach or ramp. Yes you can go through the cabin hatch, but in Half Cabs I have always fought through towels, pillows and general baggage with wet or dirty feet, which owners of the goodies never appreciate


  8. #8

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    The waiting game is over, picked her up on Thursday and the rig will get her 1st baptism in due course. I don't think it will be this weekend because of this damned weather, but for now playing around in the boat, such as working out my new GPS and mounting the epirb, etc etc will keep my mind off the need to take her for a spin.

    Heres a couple of shots as we were hitched up, ready to drive out of the dealers sales yard.....

    And we realized after I had just paid for the new EPIRB, we left it back at the dealers! A quick stop beside the road we crawled through the boat to see if they put the EPIRB in there some place, before turning back.

    The extended Bimini is going to be worth the extra 400 bucks - lots of shade and won't affect the fishing because the supports are tied in with the front Bimini. Didn't get rocket launchers, I think they are over rated, don't like putting my valuable equipment in them where they rattle around in the holder with every wave you hit..... just my opinion

    We're all set!!


  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Good on ya Brian.
    Don't worry about the rain just go and put her in
    one of the rivers for a spin and get some time
    getting used to her. Looks really good.
    I hope you have a lot of safe and happy boating and fishing
    with her.


  10. #10

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Top ,Top looking rig Scalem.........I'm as jealous as hell now.

    They're all top looking rigs

    My neighbour has just bought a 615 ....( Bastard ! ) & I'm hanging out to see one out of the showroom, & on the water.

    May well be 2 in our street one day..........................
    "Magpie Navy." VHF 73.

    It was a Woman who drove me to Drink......
    ....and I never gave her money for the Petrol......

  11. #11

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by Scalem View Post
    The waiting game is over, picked her up ....
    She looks a beaut mate!

    If you don't mind me asking, what did she set you back for? I'm looking at something similar in the near(ish) future.

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call


    She looks great. Just in time for Easter. If you see this scene around the bay drop on by.
    All the best.
    What other people think about me is not my business: Michael J Fox.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Good to see you finally got the rig. I love the extended bimini - it looks the goods.
    I'll have that accessory for your trailer this week (just in time for Easter).
    I'll give you a call when it's ready.

  14. #14

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call


    Mate thanks for that. In the lead up to the purchase, how many times did I ring you? I lost count, but mate, you're a champ for making the time to answer my questions about your triple 5. Don't work too hard, you know it's criminal not using such a nice boat every so often

    Donny Boy

    The boat was worth the wait, and I hear Yalta are still in top gear, pumping out as many backorders as they can. The 615 is a VERY serious amount of boat, too big for my upgrade from a 4.3 mtr which was the last boat I owned before the 555.

    Lounge Lizard

    My brain still can't command my lips to speak the actual price I paid, still in a state of shock, I have never spent this amount of money on anything, cars, I guess the house is a different story. But to get a rig like mine, the basics will pull you up at around 40K inc the 115 Yammy 4 stroke.. But then I upgraded the sounder/GPS, the trailer to the drive on Dunbier, the extended bimini... The rest you can negotiate with the boys, but I think I got a good deal.


    Thanks for your recent input mate. I know which boat to look out for with your "attractive" boat name. I'll get the float switch on the Bildge soon.


    M8, you better make a second one, I mentioned it to Poodroo, and , you have another order. I could tell the guys here what it is, but as you said, you will be talking to the right people when you officially launch your product, so I won't steal your thunder right now. Use my rig as a reference when you need to. Looking forward to it.

    Easter break here we come!!


  15. #15

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    My wife wants to add the concrete and car/boat port to the whole equation. Typical!! I love the way they think


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