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Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call - Page 10
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Thread: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

  1. #136

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Hi other Yalta owners, finally got around to joining up, have a 615, 150 efi merc. Had her 5 years great boat, been 35 mile off shore chasing blue fin out of port fairy and portland, also wide off Bermagui for marlin. It's my 3rd boat bought her from original elderly owner (like new was his pride and joy, now mine) best rough water boat I have ever been in.

  2. #137

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    gpz1991, good to hear! BUT pics or it never happened

    A shameless re post to help you on your way!

    Yalta Craft 555HC, "BIMINI TWIST", home port Gladstone
    Member of the Yalta Craft Appreciation Society

  3. #138

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Get some photos up soon, need to take some more of her.


  4. #139

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Hi, Looking at getting the Yalta Craft 1800 with a Yamaha 115 V4 2 stroke, can anyone tell me how loud these outboards are, last outboard i had was a 2001 yamaha 70hp 2 stroke and also what the rough fuel economy on these are.

    Just not sure if I should do the upgrade to the 4 stroke or not.


  5. #140

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    G'day, If your worried about how loud its going to be I would swap it out strait away, personally I think they're a sweat little V4 with a nice note to them.

    Fuel consumption will be roughly double that of your 70hp maybe a bit more if you make it sing!

  6. #141

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Hey everyone looking at the yalta craft 22 fisherman at the moment. And i am looking at getting the hard top in it .but im not sure what it looks like . there is no photos on the net . does any one happen to have one with a hard top they can post a photo up off. thanks

  7. #142
    Ausfish Platinum Member honda900's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call


    this is a 130 (same motor) on a 555HC, click on the image to play. fuel consumption is approximatly 1km per liter (on an average day) better on a calm day.


  8. #143

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    202.jpgIMAG0030.jpgYes i am another yalta owner 2007 odessa
    Attached Images Attached Images

  9. #144

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Have a look on boat point there was one for sale in Perth, do not know if it is still there.

    Quote Originally Posted by fishclique View Post
    Hey everyone looking at the yalta craft 22 fisherman at the moment. And i am looking at getting the hard top in it .but im not sure what it looks like . there is no photos on the net . does any one happen to have one with a hard top they can post a photo up off. thanks

  10. #145
    Ausfish Platinum Member ozynorts's Avatar
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    May 2012

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Ok Yalta owners, how much would it take to get this boat to reasonable condition? Obviously new donk and paint work but what else?
    Obviously I would need to get a survey done to ensure she is ok.

  11. #146
    Ausfish Platinum Member odes20's Avatar
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    Sep 2009

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Well for a start its not a 615 as advertised??
    Looks like a early 189 and is on a single axle trailer. No 615 will be trailered on such so just be aware that boat is not the model advertised

    Quote Originally Posted by ozynorts View Post
    Ok Yalta owners, how much would it take to get this boat to reasonable condition? Obviously new donk and paint work but what else?
    Obviously I would need to get a survey done to ensure she is ok.
    "let not he boast who puts his armor on, as he who takes it off"

  12. #147

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by honda900 View Post

    this is a 130 (same motor) on a 555HC, click on the image to play. fuel consumption is approximatly 1km per liter (on an average day) better on a calm day.

    Thanks Honda, that has made a huge difference in what I am looking at now.

  13. #148
    Ausfish Platinum Member ozynorts's Avatar
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    May 2012

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    I may be joining the club soon gang. Having a survey done on this little rippa on Monday.
    Any thoughts?

  14. #149

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Hey guys, thought id post a few pics of my recent installation of a live bait tank, once more id like to thank Macca 'the lump' for direction advise and photos in regards to making the bait tank, mine is the same concept just slightly different for my requirements.

    Mostly sourced from the large hardware supplier starting with B, also from the large fishing warehouse starting surprisingly with B as well...

    25L screw top barrel
    17mm ID reinforced hose
    Max flow female connector
    Max flow male/threaded end
    Irrigation tap
    500GPH Rule bilge pump
    Stainless steel water pickup suited to Rule pump
    Right angled irrigation bracket, with 40mm (ish) threaded extender
    17m skin fitting

    Few pics of it installed

    The bait tank in and strapped down, I just used 2 316 stainless bimini saddles as anchor points and then just a tie down strap to secure, drilled a few holes to cope with overflow

    The Max Flow connnectors create a quick release, so when I dont want the tank on the boat I can remove it easily, also I have the tap to stop the water flowing back down and draining the tank/limiting flow/stop flow when tank is not installed

    I made up this little creation because I couldnt find the piece I needed! Simple as, I ground the lip off one side of the tap so the male/threaded max flow connection could slip on, used some high pressure PVC glue to connect the two.

    Underneath, pretty standard, 500GPH pump on bracket.

    All pretty sweet, I chose bottom inlet due to various opinions on this site and OS on some major boards, the only issue i can see arising is me forgetting to turn the pump on after traveling and the tank emptying, I did buy a one way flow valve form the large tackle store starting with B, and it was nothing less than a piece of shit! It failed to stop back-flow at all! I pulled it apart, it was a thick poorly cut rubber that was meant to sit flush with a lip inside the unit, this lip had lumps and bumps not creating a seal, I went back exchanged it and low and behold the same issue! So if i have problems ill step up to a decent stainless ball one way valve,

    Once again not my original idea, I just modified it for my ideal set up, cheers Macca.
    Hope to get into some big nasty buggers on the reef with the Live bait!

    Yalta Craft 555HC, "BIMINI TWIST", home port Gladstone
    Member of the Yalta Craft Appreciation Society

  15. #150
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Well done. Great photos, great explanation. Let us know how it goes hey.

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