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Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call - Page 2
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Thread: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

  1. #16

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Well well Scalem, that boat sure has been a long time coming that's for sure but you've certainly earned it. A lot of fun times to come hopefully involving the Scalem/Poodroo combination. Nice rig indeed.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  2. #17

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by Scalem View Post
    Lounge Lizard

    My brain still can't command my lips to speak the actual price I paid, still in a state of shock, I have never spent this amount of money on anything, cars, I guess the house is a different story. But to get a rig like mine, the basics will pull you up at around 40K inc the 115 Yammy 4 stroke.. But then I upgraded the sounder/GPS, the trailer to the drive on Dunbier, the extended bimini... The rest you can negotiate with the boys, but I think I got a good deal.

    OK, thanks. Know what you mean, I got new car just before xmas and was in shock for the first few days (did I do the right thing??) but it's all good now

  3. #18

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    I tell you what the yaltas have got a great following well done.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Bronze Member MINE09's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    G'day,only new to this website and have been trying to add photos of my new 555 but cannot upload the photos from my computer,i'am guessing that the file is too big,i'am hoping u might be able to tell me how to modify the size as u seem to have got these photos on ere with no troubles. Cheers George

  5. #20
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Oct 2006

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Hey all,

    Might not be in the NEW yalta club by my oldie still does the trick!!!

    Powered by a 150 Evinrude I have tried a couple of times to sink her....
    Love the look of the new yaltas and if they ride half as good as mine they would be well worth the money....

    Go the yalta club!!

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member MINE09's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Only new to ausfish and think it's awesome,just thought i'd put a photo of my recently purchased yalta 555 and a couple of trout i picked up last trip!

  7. #22

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by MINE09 View Post
    G'day,only new to this website and have been trying to add photos of my new 555 but cannot upload the photos from my computer,i'am guessing that the file is too big,i'am hoping u might be able to tell me how to modify the size as u seem to have got these photos on ere with no troubles. Cheers George
    Hi George,

    Not sure if you are still having trouble but the photos are bigger because we are using another website such as photobucket and then copying the "IMG code" of the image into AF.


  8. #23
    Ausfish Bronze Member MINE09's Avatar
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    Jul 2009

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Cheers scalem,

    All sorted!


  9. #24
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2009

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Great boats ,so whos got one for sale ?I'm in the process of deciding between Yatla or tournament 1750.Yatla looks great Scalem did you have to put a deposit down to get a water test?

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Oct 2009

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Bulldogs7, I ordered a Yalta 555 or 2000 as they call them now from Steve at Marine Tune. I did have to pay $100 for the water test. He says that this is virtually the final step to signing up and it was put on a contract as subject to satisfactory water test. Obviously if you were not happy you could pull out. Fortunately I was very happy and he got an extra $5k out of me. I was water testing the two stroke 115 but ended up going with the 4 stroke, even though the 2 stroke exceeded my expectations. Hopefully mine will be ready a few days before Christmas. HOPE!!

  11. #26

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by bulldogs7 View Post
    Great boats ,so whos got one for sale ?I'm in the process of deciding between Yatla or tournament 1750.Yatla looks great Scalem did you have to put a deposit down to get a water test?
    No mate, but I understand that things have changed a little in the last 6 months since I did the water test, either that or the fact I brought the ausfisher friend "For Steve" who also wants to buy a triple 5, MT may have been nice to me.

    FYI I did the test with the 2s, and was assured the 4s actually has more power. Having bought the 4S every time the nozzle clicks off at the bowser I am constantly amazed and shake my head when I refuel. All the way out to the 36's, lost count of the number of times I reposition my drift, and 40 to 50 litrs of fuel with 100 ltrs up my sleeve??? It's just so flexible as to what I can do with this combination, boat and motor I am looking forward to bigger trips. Even pulling her up to Fraser is on the cards, I can get out to close reefs a few times without carrying a tanker worth of fuel up with me.


  12. #27

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by Tritto View Post
    . Hopefully mine will be ready a few days before Christmas. HOPE!!
    Here is wishing you a very happy Christmas Chris! Let me know when you get her?


  13. #28
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by Tritto View Post
    Bulldogs7, I ordered a Yalta 555 or 2000 as they call them now from Steve at Marine Tune. I did have to pay $100 for the water test. He says that this is virtually the final step to signing up and it was put on a contract as subject to satisfactory water test. Obviously if you were not happy you could pull out. Fortunately I was very happy and he got an extra $5k out of me. I was water testing the two stroke 115 but ended up going with the 4 stroke, even though the 2 stroke exceeded my expectations. Hopefully mine will be ready a few days before Christmas. HOPE!!
    Are you serious? $100 for a water test? I hope that came off the purchase price

  14. #29
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2009

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    thanks for the replys everyone i still cant believe i would have to pay to test drive a boat work 38-44k!youd think the dealers would be jumping for someone to buy a boat

  15. #30

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    would you pay 100 bucks to test drive a car? thats a joke.. personally i dont think most blokes would ask for a test unless they where serious, and for MT to ask for a 100 says to me they couldnt give a rats about the sale ... not a great indicator of future customer service.
    Tangles KFC

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