Hey guys just joining the club here is my 2008 Yalta 555HC "BIMINI TWIST"
Same specs as most out there
150hp Yammie 4 Stroke
Extended bimini
HDS 10 and HDS 5
LED under gunnel lights
Dunbier trailer
Hydraulic steering
Baitmate bait board, 640mm, with legs extended to 500mm for perfect height
To do (next few weeks hopefully)
Graphics for name "BIMINI TWIST"
AUSFISH stickers!
Stainless rocket launchers (separate to bimini)
Plumb rear holds into live bait tanks
More rod holders in gunnels
Stainless berley bucket (maybe through rear step, maybe)
Down the track and money permitting....maybe a hard top....we will see.
more photos to come (this one was taken when i bought it)
Very happy love it