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Thread: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

  1. #31
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Oct 2009

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    The $100 was more of a deposit on the order which was subject to satisfactory water test. The price came off the overall price so It didn't cost me anything. I can see your view's but I guess it deters the tyre kickers who just want to go for a run with no intention of buying.

    Thanks Scalem, I will be sure to let you know when I take delivery.

  2. #32
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by Tritto View Post
    The $100 was more of a deposit on the order which was subject to satisfactory water test. The price came off the overall price so It didn't cost me anything. I can see your view's but I guess it deters the tyre kickers who just want to go for a run with no intention of buying.

    Thanks Scalem, I will be sure to let you know when I take delivery.

    That is ok then..I have heard and met a dealer/dealers that want a fee for a water test which is non refundable. I do not agree with that.

  3. #33
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    I finally picked up the new Yalta on the Tuesday before Christmas which I have to thank Marine Tune for. When I ordered it 6 weeks before they said it could possibly be ready before Christmas but I did not have much faith in having it then. So far have only gone for a quick run on the Tweed river the afternoon I picked it up and out on the broadwater on Boxing day. Sure I am going to have a tonne of fun on it. Very happy with the finish. Thanks to Scalem for all the help along the way and taking the family out on his beast for a water test. Look forward to seeing you out there.

    Attachment 54572

    Attachment 54573

  4. #34
    Ausfish Silver Member Kdog's Avatar
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    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Hi Tritto,

    Good onya for choosing the Yalta mate, you won’t be disappointed, they ride great.
    I like your extended canopy, that’ll keep the wife and kids happy.
    One thing Tritto, if you plan on doing any early morning starts or overnighters, you may want to look at either raising the running / anchor light or mounting a small one on the rocket launchers. Mate you will save a small fortune by choosing the 4 stroke!! Enjoy.

  5. #35
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Thanks Kdog, the extended bimini is a great feature considering there are no poles at the back to get in the way. As you say it's all about the wife and kids. That's how I convinced them to get the boat. I may look at moving the ancor light later if it becomes an issue. I would have thought it would still be visible all round from that spot. Very happy with the four stroke. Has used hardly any fuel so far.



  6. #36

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Pardon the intrusion onto the site people..........

    You should post pics of the new additions to your Yalta there K- Dog.
    That'll get a few people interested.

    "Magpie Navy." VHF 73.

    It was a Woman who drove me to Drink......
    ....and I never gave her money for the Petrol......

  7. #37
    Ausfish Silver Member Kdog's Avatar
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    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Gday All,

    Due to the unrelenting pressure from Donny Boy, I thought I'd throw a couple pics of the Yalta 615.

    Got it off the boys at M/T down the coast a little while back. I had a few things changed from standard, such as adding a duel battery setup.
    Lowrance HDS 5X fish finder thingy
    Lowrance 5200 C GPS whats a ma callit.
    I need to explain that I started out in boating when we had to "line up the red roof of the forth house to the left of the pine tree with the little mountain behind it" so to speak!!

    Factory bait board, just had to trim a bit off it so the motor would tilt all the way up.
    Pedestal seats
    Anchor/running light mounted on the rocket launchers.
    Interior lighting.
    2 x 6 gang switch panels.
    There are a few other things that come standard with the boat so I wont go on about them.

    I chose to go with the 130 hp 2 stroke over the 150 Hp 4 stroke, as I figured that as I don`t go out that often and they were around the $7000? dearer, I`d rather build a Shed to house the Yalta.

    By the way, Donny Boy did the slab for me, and he droped his mobile Ph while they were pouring the concrete,he never could find it again, even till this day we can still hear the occasional ring .
    Attached Images Attached Images

  8. #38

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Mate - that is a classic looking hull shape - nice rig. I am sure the 130 will go hard. I have a 115 (93 model) V4 Yam on my Vagabond and it goes very well. That shed is tops!

    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

  9. #39
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by Tritto View Post
    I finally picked up the new Yalta on the Tuesday before Christmas which I have to thank Marine Tune for. When I ordered it 6 weeks before they said it could possibly be ready before Christmas but I did not have much faith in having it then. So far have only gone for a quick run on the Tweed river the afternoon I picked it up and out on the broadwater on Boxing day. Sure I am going to have a tonne of fun on it. Very happy with the finish. Thanks to Scalem for all the help along the way and taking the family out on his beast for a water test. Look forward to seeing you out there.

    Attachment 54572

    Attachment 54573
    Tritto, Great looking Boat i bet it was a great Xmas present!did you get standard inclusions with boat or what would you recommend.How was your first trip out bet the family loves there new toy my boys keep asking me when are we getting ours they recon i should call it long time waiting!!!
    anyway great to hear your on the water

  10. #40
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by Tritto View Post
    I finally picked up the new Yalta on the Tuesday before Christmas which I have to thank Marine Tune for. When I ordered it 6 weeks before they said it could possibly be ready before Christmas but I did not have much faith in having it then. So far have only gone for a quick run on the Tweed river the afternoon I picked it up and out on the broadwater on Boxing day. Sure I am going to have a tonne of fun on it. Very happy with the finish. Thanks to Scalem for all the help along the way and taking the family out on his beast for a water test. Look forward to seeing you out there.

    Attachment 54572

    Attachment 54573

    Have a search on this site for "Yalta" you find plenty of mods that would be worth considering.

    They are a great little hull.

    The Brooker trailer will need a days work (as they all do) to make it ready for the salt. Again search this site for ideas.

    done 200 hours in 3 years in mine and just came back from 3 days at Moreton with the family they love it.

    What other people think about me is not my business: Michael J Fox.

  11. #41
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Kdog, that is an awsome looking shed to house the boat. Certainly justifies saving the extra dollars on the 2 stroke when you convert it into something practical like that. Don't know about the Cane Toad though. Don't get me wrong it is an excellent quality graphic but would look much better if it was a cockroach with a blue jumper on. Bet that will get a few comments flying!

    Bulldogs 7 and SgBfish, thanks for the comments. I guess it is fairly close to standard, as far as extras it just has padded side coamings with LED lights, rocket launcher, bait board, matrix 12 combo sounder/GPS, and the extended bimini.

    Of coarse there are heaps of extra's that I would like but when you are buying new you just have to stop somewhere otherwise quickly blow the budget. Already did that anyway. It means from now on the wife will never be able to say, "I don't know what to get him for his birthday."

    SgBfish, to save me searching for info have you got any quick ideas what has to be done to the Brooker trailer. I remember reading in other threads that it could do with some more rollers.

    Thanks Guys

  12. #42
    Ausfish Silver Member Kdog's Avatar
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    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Hi Tritto,
    Ha Ha mate, Cockys don`t have the correct build for a Rugby League player, a ping pong player maybe!!

    Yes mate the shed is 5 x 9 x 3.6 at the gutters with a 3.2 door opening. I wanted to be able to reverse in without lowering anything, except for the aerial, and also a real good excuse for another beer fridge!!!

  13. #43

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by Kdog View Post
    Hi Tritto,
    Ha Ha mate, Cockys don`t have the correct build for a Rugby League player, a ping pong player maybe!!

    Yes mate the shed is 5 x 9 x 3.6 at the gutters with a 3.2 door opening. I wanted to be able to reverse in without lowering anything, except for the aerial, and also a real good excuse for another beer fridge!!!
    That toad look like it has just copped one up the dinger by a ping pong player

  14. #44
    Ausfish Silver Member Kdog's Avatar
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    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Quote Originally Posted by the lump View Post
    That toad look like it has just copped one up the dinger by a ping pong player
    Ha Ha, good one.
    Yea, probably came about the same time you guys tried to use someone called Hopoate against us


  15. #45
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Oct 2009

    Re: Yalta Owners Club-aka-Roll Call

    Hah, told you I would fire up the comments once state of Origin was mentioned.

    Kdog that Shed really makes me jealous. At the moment I have my boat under a huge tarp and it makes it difficult when you want to get inside and set things up, especially with all the rain we have had. I have to put up with this until at least easter when we move into the house we are building but even then will only have a waterproof sail awning or carport type settup. You should be on the Midstrength beer add with that shed. A real bloke zone.

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