If you want to DO something about the impending closures read on…. if not, go back to your cuppa and favourite TV show.MoretonBayMarinePark Zoning Plan
To the many people that attended the Car/ Boat Protest Rally through the City and to those that attended the “ Historical , First Ever On Water Protest in Brisbane “ to the current members of SOBA inc and other Ausfish members , I need to apologize for misguiding you.
I, and others stated that ‘ submissions “ in regard to the MBMP Zoning plan were closed in March this year. This is NOT the case, even though the official word stated this. With the recent event of Moreton Bay local members of Parliament handing over petitions to the Minister for Sustainability, Mr Mac Namara , I undertook an investigation into the legality of this.
“ Stage 2 – Formal public consultation
The draft zoning plan was open to public submissions for over three months. The submission period ended at 5pm on Friday 7 March 2008. “ copyright EPA
I can now confirm that all and any petitions and submissions can still be submitted up until the day the Plan goes to Parliament. That day should be in about November, this year. I have it on good authority that “ thousands “ of petitions have been handed in as late as yesterday, by “ Conversation Groups “. This continual bombardment by the conservation lobby groups will no doubt supply the EPA with ammunition by way of shear numbers of signatories pushing for the ‘ demanded “ area closures of 30%.
At this point we need desperately to start submitting our letters, petitions etc.
Further and just as important, the State Government has set aside $14 million for “ compensation “ to the affected Commercial Fisherman. This money is to be calculated on the Gross Product Value. The Gross Product Value of the Commercial Fishery in Moreton Bay is calculated at $24 mill. What this means is that ONLY Commercial Fisherman who’s income is reduced will receive compensation. NO…..NO money is set aside and will NOT be allocated to associated industries. This means any tackle shops, chandleries, boat yards, bait suppliers, charter operators, boat hire, esky manufacturers, boat builders…. Jeez any business and anyone that derives all or some income from the recreational or commercial fishery of Moreton Bay and has that income stream affected will NOT…… NOT be able to make a claim for compensation.
This is NOT new news. The compensation package handed out to the associated industries in NQ in regard to the GBRPMA Green Zones was a one off, once only deal and a vote buying exercise. ( over $255mill and counting )
I do not believe for one minute that the effects of a combination of Green Zone implementations and Seasonal Closures ( Snapper…. ) will have minimal impact on all associated industries that derive income from the Moreton Bay Fishery. Business’s will fold and jobs will go.
There has been a plethora of information posted up here on Ausfish over the last 6 or so months in regard to this. Utilize this to draft your letters and submissions and get those into the EPA asap. Do not stop at one either………. I have no desire to hold your hands through his process, it is simple….. just do it……. or …….
R.I.P. MoretonBay.