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Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !
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Thread: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

  1. #1

    Post Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    MoretonBayMarinePark Zoning Plan
    If you want to DO something about the impending closures read on…. if not, go back to your cuppa and favourite TV show.

    To the many people that attended the Car/ Boat Protest Rally through the City and to those that attended the “ Historical , First Ever On Water Protest in Brisbane “ to the current members of SOBA inc and other Ausfish members , I need to apologize for misguiding you.

    I, and others stated that ‘ submissions “ in regard to the MBMP Zoning plan were closed in March this year. This is NOT the case, even though the official word stated this. With the recent event of Moreton Bay local members of Parliament handing over petitions to the Minister for Sustainability, Mr Mac Namara , I undertook an investigation into the legality of this.

    Stage 2 – Formal public consultation
    The draft zoning plan was open to public submissions for over three months. The submission period ended at 5pm on Friday 7 March 2008. “ copyright EPA

    I can now confirm that all and any petitions and submissions can still be submitted up until the day the Plan goes to Parliament. That day should be in about November, this year. I have it on good authority that “ thousands “ of petitions have been handed in as late as yesterday, by “ Conversation Groups “. This continual bombardment by the conservation lobby groups will no doubt supply the EPA with ammunition by way of shear numbers of signatories pushing for the ‘ demanded “ area closures of 30%.

    At this point we need desperately to start submitting our letters, petitions etc.

    Further and just as important, the State Government has set aside $14 million for “ compensation “ to the affected Commercial Fisherman. This money is to be calculated on the Gross Product Value. The Gross Product Value of the Commercial Fishery in Moreton Bay is calculated at $24 mill. What this means is that ONLY Commercial Fisherman who’s income is reduced will receive compensation. NO…..NO money is set aside and will NOT be allocated to associated industries. This means any tackle shops, chandleries, boat yards, bait suppliers, charter operators, boat hire, esky manufacturers, boat builders…. Jeez any business and anyone that derives all or some income from the recreational or commercial fishery of Moreton Bay and has that income stream affected will NOT…… NOT be able to make a claim for compensation.

    This is NOT new news. The compensation package handed out to the associated industries in NQ in regard to the GBRPMA Green Zones was a one off, once only deal and a vote buying exercise. ( over $255mill and counting )

    I do not believe for one minute that the effects of a combination of Green Zone implementations and Seasonal Closures ( Snapper…. ) will have minimal impact on all associated industries that derive income from the Moreton Bay Fishery. Business’s will fold and jobs will go.

    There has been a plethora of information posted up here on Ausfish over the last 6 or so months in regard to this. Utilize this to draft your letters and submissions and get those into the EPA asap. Do not stop at one either………. I have no desire to hold your hands through his process, it is simple….. just do it……. or …….

    R.I.P. MoretonBay.
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  2. #2

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !


    you have brought up a few very disturbing issues in this post. If what you are saying is true about the submissions then this might be enough to move the politically lethargic rec fisho movement into a force that the pollies take into consideration when formulating policy

    I am amazed that they would try to pull this off

    A Proud Member of
    "The Rebel Alliance"

  3. #3

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    Do you think the pollies would get nervous if their job was on the line by being voted out?, personally i dont think common sense or facts will have much of an impact, but if they get a sniff they wont get back in,, well
    Tangles KFC

  4. #4

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    Yup.. what a shame we didn't have 300 boats at the boat rally. We need to be more serious about making our voices heard or we will always be seen as no more than a minority group fighting a losing battle. How many boats did I see launching that day to have a fish in the bay? How many had no idea about what we were on about? We have lots of work to do to get our messages across so let's forgo the fishing trips for once and get the job done regardless of how nice the weather is on the day. Phill I will submit something for sure. Thanks for enlightening us yet again.


    He who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.

  5. #5

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    Count me in !! (ream of REFLEX loaded) and boat awaiting handover for next protest rally!
    Barker Transport Logistic Services
    Transport Solutions for Every Job

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  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member mowerman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    Email sent.

    Composing more.

    My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.

    Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member Chong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2003

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    This argument and all the arguments to come over conservation, recreational fishing, commercial fishing, four wheel driving, shooting, camping and the never ending list that the greens/conservationists will use, can not be won by protest.

    The greens/ conservationists have the backing of the media and the political system, and use it, fair enough. We in general (the every day bloke), urge for conservation and preservation of fish stocks, camping and all things that will keep our recreational activities on going for generations to come, yes?

    As long as these issues are approved in a common sense approach and with serious consultation to ALL that it affects, common ground in policy, practice and application should be able to be achieved. The perfect out come, and all would be happy, yes?

    Arguing, fighting, rallies are all good, but I think that we need to understand the view from the other side, know exactly what we are up against. Empathize (I know it is hard) but if we can see it from their point, maybe, just maybe they will start to see it from ours, and a mutual, common sense approach can be taken to all these issues.

    The more we say “yes” to these closures, green zones, bag limits just maybe we might get the chance to actually have a real say before a decision is made, and once we are in, we are in for good. That’s how the green/ conservationists did it, they said what everyone at the time wanted to hear, “ save the great barrier reef”, “Recreational fishing kills to many fish, turtles, dugong..”, “horses kill national parks” and so on.

    I have been involved with the TFPQ, I have sent my e-mails, singed petitions, called local members, I’m sure it all has some sort of impact but it’s always been in protest, I said “no”.

    Just a thought, maybe a slightly different approach, anything may help as we are defiantly up against the wall.

    Phil, keep up the good work, not trying to side track your post, just had this in my head and thought it may help.


    i await the grill

  8. #8

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    Matt, ( Chong )

    The thing is we ( me ) are not saying NO, we ( recreational anglers ) of Moreton Bay and Queensland are all in favour of Green Zones ( and other colours ), Size Limits, Bag limits, Seasonal Closures etc.

    What we really want is open and honest decision making, zones placed in the right areas to enhance the marine environment, protection of nursery habitat, protection against pollution and all decisions based on open independent and fully explored scientific research. WE want co-operation between Recreational Anglers ( who, by the way are the major stakeholder in the MBMP, but do NOT have a representative body , other than the struggling SOBA inc. ), Conservation Groups, Commercial Operators, Tourist Operators, DPI&F and EPA.

    All we want is the DPI&F to manage the Fishery and the EPA to protect the Environment. That is why these departments are there. Unfortunately the EPA have within their system, a core group of fundamental ' greenies ' that see the way forward is to take over the world and all other government departments and turn it green, regardless of social and economic implications. Their decision making is based on emotion and NOT on scientific, social, economic and environmental issues. Their decisions are based on politics and NOT within the terms of reference of any review.

    If you write a letter or send an email or submission, send it from the heart, you don't have to be a Shakespear or a Wordsworth, simply say what you feel and what you'd like to happen.

    No grilling mate, simply a ' Thanks '.
    ><> ><>
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  9. #9

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    What we really want is open and honest decision making, zones placed in the right areas to enhance the marine environment, protection of nursery habitat, protection against pollution and all decisions based on open independent and fully explored scientific research. WE want co-operation between Recreational Anglers ( who, by the way are the major stakeholder in the MBMP, but do NOT have a representative body , other than the struggling SOBA inc. ), Conservation Groups, Commercial Operators, Tourist Operators, DPI&F and EPA.

    All we want is the DPI&F to manage the Fishery and the EPA to protect the Environment. That is why these departments are there. Unfortunately the EPA have within their system, a core group of fundamental ' greenies ' that see the way forward is to take over the world and all other government departments and turn it green, regardless of social and economic implications. Their decision making is based on emotion and NOT on scientific, social, economic and environmental issues. Their decisions are based on politics and NOT within the terms of reference of any review.

    If you write a letter or send an email or submission, send it from the heart, you don't have to be a Shakespear or a Wordsworth, simply say what you feel and what you'd like to happen.

    What would we pay to see Matty Hayden, ROY, ET, Rex hunt, and anyother well liked celeb in a group with one or two speaking using what you just said above as the main part of a TV campaign?

    I know I would donate!


    Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.

  10. #10

    Angry Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    What I have trouble in understanding, is why the Government(State or Federal) does not appear to have any interest in saltwater restocking. Perhaps I am wrong in this, and if so, my apologies.

    The technology in this area has moved forward in leaps and bounds. Seems to me our governing bodies seem to gravitate towards stopping enjoyment rather than providing means to enhance it. This type of solution always alienates people and opens up a black market in one way or another.

    As an observation, the governing bodies have no hesitation, from time to time, in handing over mangroves and other fish breeding areas to hungry developers.

    Fishing is both actually and historically a noble and family orientated pastime. Seemed even Jesus Christ thought so (sorry, I am not religious, but think this mention is worthwhile).

    In my opinion, the Government would have little trouble finding volunteers from our fishing folk to help with the program suggested above. There could even be an opportunity to provide ongoing employment in this area. I think that the average fisherperson would not be opposed to paying for an annual fishing permit if he/she could see some real value for this investment.

    While I respect the need to protect our resources (we are, of course, stopping the use of fossil fuels...not!), it is my firm belief that there are more opportunities available than just banning something. Try the Government philosophy with your kids sometime...

    Anyway, just my 5 cents worth

  11. #11

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    Sorry, further to my previous message, think about an area like Tripcony Bight in the Bribie Passage. How much would this area be enhanced by the introduction of a fish breeding program?

  12. #12

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    You are spot on Harry......... This is exactly the options open to the powers that be, if they want to listen.

    I know there was a saltwater stocking of Whiting in the Maroochy River some years ago. Unsure of the success, but believe it was worth the effort. What happened there , was the whiting had a ' marker ' placed in them... ? unsure of specifics, but something like an enzime, that could be traced under laboratory conditions. This enabled scientists to study growth etc through re-captures.

    This idea , Harry, is exactly what should asked at the meetings and also added to letters, emails and submissions.

    Other things to add is ' Seagrass ' regeneration. We can grow new grass / crops on the land, why can't we do this in our Bay ?

    Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 25-09-2008 at 05:22 PM.
    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  13. #13

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    I want to see if we can combine this idea with the issues with the snapper fishery - we restock freshwater so well why not saltwater? it has to able to be done and would assist enormously to the biomass of species. This question will be asked at the meeting I am attending.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    The labor party would have to be a bit worried after the latest polls came out the other day.
    Now may the time to get stuck in to them for a better deal for the recreational fishing industry.

    Email sent to EPA.
    Come on you fisho's send an email. We need to let them know we are out here.

  15. #15

    Re: Moreton Bay.... I'm Sorry !

    I have sent my submission.....but I don;t think a paper war is gunna win it, we send 2000 letters greenies send 8000 letters and the general public knows ZIP, until they are told the new legislation is inforce based on public opinion and scientific research and Joe Bloggs had no choice in is this.................?
    I reckon we need mega media attention around the East Coast of Australia which will , state our case and lead our cause, this inturn will attract international media.
    All the industries that rely on recreational fishing as there income, all the boat builders, outboard mechanics, bait gatherers and providers, should be up in arms over the up and coming legislations, have we forgotten how to stand up, for what we believe in or are we just happy to accept what is served to us and then complain?
    Barker Transport Logistic Services
    Transport Solutions for Every Job

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