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Thread: currimundi lake=no tidal flow

  1. #1

    Unhappy currimundi lake=no tidal flow

    hello all,
    just curious now that they've blocked the mouth off at currimundi lake how will it effect the fish and the way they feed etc etc now that theres no tidal flow??? im a bit bum'd as its my fav place to chase fish especially the jacks. as its a bit more of a challenge in searching out a fish in there!! and will the water eventualy turn to fresh or stay more brackish? does anyone no why they decided to fill it in???
    what do you huys reckon
    cheers JAYVEE

  2. #2

    Re: currimundi lake=no tidal flow

    Jayvee, I spent a lot of time there 35- 45 years back, and the lake was closed most of the time, I think they might have opened it maybe 1 month a year at most. The fishing was heaps better then ( but 4 other reasons), so I don't think you'll have a problem. I think you'll find there is water quality monitoring all the time and if there is a problem they'll open it up. It stays salty, but it wouldn't worry yourMJ's if it didn't.


  3. #3

    Re: currimundi lake=no tidal flow

    Its a long story, but it was done for control of biting midges. When there is tidal flow these breed in the intertidal zone. Maintain a constant high water level and you drown them out. It will be opened naturally following the next good rain, or excavated out to avoid flooding up stream.

  4. #4

    Re: currimundi lake=no tidal flow

    I think it will make the fishing better, more competition for resources makes fish bite more aggressively surely..?
    Fishing for the thrill, not for the kill

  5. #5

    Re: currimundi lake=no tidal flow

    cheers for the insight guys

    IMNOTORIGINAL- i hope your right bout the fishing being better!!! and i hope some jacks either got in or stayd in over the winter before they shut it off

    ZOOTo1- its pretty high at the moment the footpaths that go under the bridge on both sides further up the creek is already partly under water!!!

    ah well gonna hit it up toomorrow arvy see how it fish's
    cheers JAYVEE

  6. #6

    Re: currimundi lake=no tidal flow

    Mate have fished it extensively and i can say that the jacks still bite whislt it is closed. seemed to be more trevors when the mouth was opened, but didnt seem to effect jacks either go hard!


  7. #7

    Re: currimundi lake=no tidal flow

    Used to party there a lot as a youngster in the 70' and 80' seem to remember it being closed, or at least only flowing out not tidal, most of the time.

    Jeez they were great party's

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