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Awoonga fires again!
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Thread: Awoonga fires again!

  1. #1

    Awoonga fires again!

    Hi All
    Looks like quite a few good reports coming out of Awoonga! Its that brilliant time of the year with the temps going up.

    Just returned from two great days Monday and Tuesday up there and enjoyed great fishing! Got my new PB of 109.5, and my son Bernie went up a cm to 106.
    We fished the first arvo with Johnny Mitchell to ramp up, as we hadn't been there for a year, new water levels, new plastics on the scene and continue the learning curve. Plan was to do that and fish the next day in our own boat.
    Monday saw things a little slow early during the afternoon with one 86cm fish and lots of hits and whacks on the lures, Bernie raised one horse of a fish which threw the lure almost back at us in contempt, and left us shaking our heads.

    After 4.40pm we snuck ito a small bay area and within minutes Bernie was monstored again and dragged all over the place with a beaut fish which hit the 106 on the mat. Soon after I nailed another 105 which leapt and screamed up and down. We were in a purple patch for sure and only a short while later I was nailed again with the biggest fish of the evening, a real bruiser at 109.5cm. Amazing to land fish like this on 20lb and 30lb braid, 80lb leaders and rods that most people would think would be better suited to bream! Then Bernie followed up with another 86.

    By now it was almost dark and I was smashed again by another great fish that cracked the magic meter! Awesome fishing with 4 meter plus fish in the same area in about an hour! Then we both hooked and lost a fish each before it was time to head home. Truly stoked!
    We wandered out again in our boat about 10am Tuesday, and worked a few points, Bernie raised and jumped another lovely fish from some timber and that got him frustrated at losing yet another fish. Par for the course I told him!

    We worked across the lake and snuck into another small bay area with the North Easterly blowing in, and had agreat session with two 88cm fish, a 75 and 78 as well. Man those 80 size class fish can really go! On to another bay and another 86, the only hit there. We finished the afternoon in another quiet bay and I nailed a 96cm with Bernie finishing off on with another 86.

    Two days, 12 wonderful fish landed, great company and bangers and mash at the Motel, what else could to fishos ask for? And we did all this without wearing a flannel shirt! and without a frog in sight!

    Cheers all
    " Fishing is not a hobby, a Hobby is something I do in my spare time! "

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Peter4's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Sounds like a great couple of days Barry (& Bernie)

    Some very nice pics of healthy looking fish.

    Congrats on the PBs

  3. #3

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Been waiting for that report....good onya you two. What a great way to spend a couple of days. And many congrats on the P.B's.

  4. #4

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    LGM I was going to send a pm to tell you to have a look, but you beat me to it! Your casting arm must be twitching looking at these fish mate!
    " Fishing is not a hobby, a Hobby is something I do in my spare time! "

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member Awoonga's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Good one boys...Top effort Now lets see... Thats Mavis...Betty...Candy... Mary...Susan...and um...That last photo...could be ..Tania....

  6. #6

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Lost me Awoonga! ??? You know lots of these big fat girls by their first name? LOL
    " Fishing is not a hobby, a Hobby is something I do in my spare time! "

  7. #7

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Quote Originally Posted by Awoonga View Post
    Good one boys...Top effort Now lets see... Thats Mavis...Betty...Candy... Mary...Susan...and um...That last photo...could be ..Tania....
    Funnily ...... knowing Trev , that is probably their names

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  8. #8

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Yes Nagg, I noticed a few were big but they had "hollowbellys", probably why they were so hungry. Maybe Trev could give us their addresses as well? LOL
    Snag 3, Gutter Ten,
    Dingo Island 4600 QLD !!!
    Sounds like you had a ball up there too?
    Got to envy Trev and the guys who can fish the place so often, but they make a great contribution to the ever changing approach to fish there.
    Managed to nail one of these on a 6" hollowbelly.
    " Fishing is not a hobby, a Hobby is something I do in my spare time! "

  9. #9

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Quote Originally Posted by Barraboy7 View Post
    Yes Nagg, I noticed a few were big but they had "hollowbellys", probably why they were so hungry. Maybe Trev could give us their addresses as well? LOL
    Snag 3, Gutter Ten,
    Dingo Island 4600 QLD !!!
    Sounds like you had a ball up there too?
    Got to envy Trev and the guys who can fish the place so often, but they make a great contribution to the ever changing approach to fish there.
    Managed to nail one of these on a 6" hollowbelly.
    Barry .... Keep an eye on those bellys ......... I hear some are selling their first born for a pack

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Awoonga's Avatar
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    Dec 2004

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Quote Originally Posted by Barraboy7 View Post
    Yes Nagg, I noticed a few were big but they had "hollowbellys", probably why they were so hungry. Maybe Trev could give us their addresses as well? LOL
    Snag 3, Gutter Ten,
    Dingo Island 4600 QLD !!!
    Sounds like you had a ball up there too?
    Got to envy Trev and the guys who can fish the place so often, but they make a great contribution to the ever changing approach to fish there.
    Managed to nail one of these on a 6" hollowbelly.
    Better than that...l took Nagg and Whitey to where they lived Some where home... others not......And how did you know Tania lives near Dingo Island lol...But l fear these ladies are about to get a little shy...Too many boats too many fisherman......

  11. #11

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Quote Originally Posted by Barraboy7 View Post
    LGM I was going to send a pm to tell you to have a look, but you beat me to it! Your casting arm must be twitching looking at these fish mate!
    I'll have to be happy with my little bass for a while....probably heading up there in January at this stage. Can't wait to meet some of these big girls.

  12. #12

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Yes Awoonga, the heat will be on now, heaps of trollers night after night, and lures flying in all directions. Tania's a nasty piece, gave me the run around and gave me the flick as well. LOL
    " Fishing is not a hobby, a Hobby is something I do in my spare time! "

  13. #13

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Nice Pics Barry. Thanks for the fun afternoon.
    It was that same dreaded mullet that again today enticed the fish of Awoonga, but the particular rigging of it this time was varied to last week.
    "At my word................................"
    I'm sure you know the next words.

  14. #14

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Awoonga is just too far away from Brisbane! I guess its no use whingeing when guys like Nagg and others from down south have to travel so much further to get to these waters. One thing tho the further you travel and more time and dosh you invest to get them just makes you appreciate the fishery so much more.
    My friends in Europe are accusing me of holding up giant plastic models of fish! They just cant get their heads around the size of these barra...
    Its already unleashed mate!
    " Fishing is not a hobby, a Hobby is something I do in my spare time! "

  15. #15

    Re: Awoonga fires again!

    Quote Originally Posted by Barraboy7 View Post
    Awoonga is just too far away from Brisbane! I guess its no use whingeing when guys like Nagg and others from down south have to travel so much further to get to these waters. One thing tho the further you travel and more time and dosh you invest to get them just makes you appreciate the fishery so much more.
    My friends in Europe are accusing me of holding up giant plastic models of fish! They just cant get their heads around the size of these barra...
    Its already unleashed mate!

    Its a little disappointing to hear the common theme of Awoonga being too far ......... But what I have noticed that a high percentage of barra trips for SE Qlders involve only a few days ...... Fri - Sun ...... which unless you have an itch to scratch makes it very hard to drive past Monduran.

    I certainly like to include both impoundments on our trips ....... They are so different from each other & have a different personal appeal............I wont pick one over the other - All good.

    My advice ...... set the Sat Nav destination to Benaraby ( drive the extra 90mins or so) ......... & give the big "A" a crack for a few days .


    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

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