Here are a few pics of a Cobia my mate caught a few weeks back it went 73LB in the old scale or 33.112KG.
Here are a few pics of a Cobia my mate caught a few weeks back it went 73LB in the old scale or 33.112KG.
Tight lines <*)(((((((((><
what a beast!!!...okay...steady yourself for my barage of long was the fight???...what did the damage...bait or plastics???...what sort outfit was used???...where abouts were you???...nice boat in the background what breed is she???...*takes a breath*...cheers for the pics
Mrs Benno1
Thats a cracker of a cobes Griz, the gold coast has always produced massive cobia over the years.
Nice Cobia mate - some anxious moments at gaffing time I bet - I've seen them break the line at the boat a few times - tears in everyones eyes then after all that effort. You'll have filletts for a few months now. Good on ya. Cheers, Darren.