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My first ever bait, night, jack mission was last night. No jacks but i now have some idea on how we can go about fishing at night. The Geckos post was a big help.
We got on the water at 5.oo pm and settled into the spot and i threw out some fresh mullet fillet, while Ky cast a HB. He soon landed a 45cm Estuary Cod. I watched the storms surround us and we got off the water at 9.oo.. Was prepared to fish the night through to about 12. Not really much to report, fished the incoming tide, around a rock wall in 3-4 meters of water. There was bait flicking on the surface, so i was pretty confident, will be back out there this week in the same spot to fish it for a longer session. I AM DETERMINED TO CATCH A DECENT JACK THIS SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will keep you posted on the progress